Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 427 - Ended

Chapter 427: Chapter 427 – Ended

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“They’re all glued up…”

A young man stood there alone at the arena and couldn’t help but frown, looking at the two people in front. He could easily see the situation in front of him.

In the arena, Chen Heng and Yang Ke were still fighting, and at this moment, both were locked in a stalemate. From the looks of it, it would take a long time to end.

Yang Ke was undoubtedly stronger than Chen Heng in terms of strength. However, Chen Heng had the upper hand in other aspects, and it was not just a little bit…

This junior named Lu Kong’s talent in certain aspects was almost shocking, and this was the case at the moment.

Qi Lin subconsciously put himself into it as he looked at the situation before him and began to think.

‘If I’m in it…’

This thought flashed through his mind, but he roughly understood and quickly concluded.

If he were in it, the result would probably be the same as the current Yang Ke. He would be stuck there, and there would be no way to decide the outcome, literally no way.

His strength was probably about the same as Yang Ke’s, not much difference between their standards.

It seemed that Yang Ke was fighting very hard. Hence, the result wouldn’t be too different even if he had replaced her.

If that was the case, then the strength of this junior in front of him was indeed quite frightening. He was merely a freshman who had just entered the academy, yet he could achieve such a level. This was frightening and made people not know what to say to a certain extent.

He sighed in his heart as all sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind. At this moment, he had already realized something.

If nothing unexpected happened to this junior in the future, he would probably be able to become an extraordinary figure, and his achievements would not be inferior to theirs.

After all, based on the situation before him, the junior undoubtedly possessed the formidable talent of both a Beastmaster and a martial artist. Moreover, he was frighteningly powerful even in terms of spiritual power. He was flawless.

Whether he walked the path of a martial artist or a Beastmaster, such a figure would probably shine brilliant and be able to emit an intense radiance.

Of course, what would happen in the end was also a matter of the future, but Qi Lin still couldn’t be optimistic as far as the current situation was concerned.

After all, no matter what he thought, the difference in strength between Chen Heng and Yang Ke was still quite significant.

After observing Chen Heng’s performance, the people present did not have the slightest doubt that if Chen Heng and Yang Ke were of the same rank, Yang Ke would be easily defeated by Chen Heng.

However, there were very few ‘ifs’ in this world. Before them, Yang Ke’s strength greatly surpassed Chen Heng’s.

At this moment, the two were already stuck in a stalemate, and if this situation continued, it would become a battle of attrition. In the end, it was still Yang Ke who was more likely to win.

After all, no matter what, her strength was much stronger, hence compared to Chen Heng, the time she could hold on was much longer. In the end, the first person who would exhaust himself and could not hold on would be Chen Heng.

“What a pity.”

Many people present could see it too.

Standing backstage and looking at the situation on the stage, Liu Rou’s expression was still calm, but she felt a little sorry as she noticed Chen Heng’s breathing become heavier and heavier.

Chen Heng had already done very well. Not only had he defeated Rui Te, whom she had specially invited, but he had also continued to advance to this match and this level.

He had even fought with Yang Ke to this extent, but unfortunately, at this point, it was already his limit. Liu Rou could see it.

At this point, Chen Heng and Yang Ke were undoubtedly very tired. Compared to when they had just started, their fists began to weaken, and be it the speed or strength— they were much weaker.

Yang Ke undoubtedly had a greater advantage in this kind of battle of attrition. It was normal.

After all, she was an older student, the telekinetic power in her body had been accumulated and tempered over a long period, far surpassing the current Chen Heng.

Hence, she did have the advantage in this kind of battle of attrition.

And because of this, once they reached the end, she would most likely be the one who obtained the final victory. Liu Rou also felt pity for this.

If Chen Heng could defeat Yang Ke and even Qi Lin along the way, it would undoubtedly be a piece of significant breaking news this time.

A freshman in the academy had defeated Rui Te, Yang Ke, and Qi Lin consecutively. Wasn’t this kind of news very appealing to students within the academy? In Liu Rou’s view, this was absolute.

As soon as this news spread, Chen Heng’s reputation would significantly increase in the end, and he would become a well-known figure in Dragon City Academy. They could also use this as publicity to boost the popularity of this competition.

It was such a pity… Overall, it was pretty good.

From the looks of it, Chen Heng wouldn’t be able to get past Yang Ke, as he would be exhausted to death. However, this wasn’t as bad either.

The news that a level one student had fought against a level three student and had almost gained the final victory was presumably very eye-catching, just that it wasn’t as eye-catching as expected earlier, but it was still great.

‘Under normal circumstances, there wouldn’t be such a breaking news.’

Liu Rou nodded to herself. At this point, she was pretty satisfied. Then, she raised her head and looked ahead, and she noticed that in front of her, the situation had changed.

Over there, the two figures that had initially been fighting each other had separated. One of the figures raised his hand and gestured to the referee at the side. From the looks of it, he seemed to be surrendering.


Many people present were stunned as if they were shocked by this.


Standing on the stage, Yang Ke was also somewhat out of breath at this moment. Her clothes were drenched in sweat, and she looked exhausted. However, her eyes were still very sharp, and there was a unique spirit within her staring at Chen Heng.

“Why are you surrendering now? You still have the strength.”

She frowned and said, panting as she looked at Chen Heng.

Standing on the other side and looking at Yang Ke, Chen Heng shook his head and said, “It’s not necessary anymore. I’m not your match. It’s meaningless to continue fighting like this.”

Hearing this, Yang Ke frowned. “No…”

“Although it looks like it, in reality, you still have a hidden power that you haven’t used…”

Her eyes were bright as if there was light in them. At this moment, she stared at Chen Heng solemnly said, “If you use that power, you can defeat me. Even if you can’t, you will not lose!”

She looked at Chen Heng and said earnestly.


Chen Heng looked at Yang Ke. At this moment, his heart was full of surprise.

He did not expect her sensing energy to be so sharp that she could even sense the additional power hidden in his body.

There was indeed a hidden power in his body and not one. It was the divine power and the killing power.

The divine power was naturally brought from Chen Heng’s body, while as for the killing power, it was what he had worked hard to accumulate during this period.

Yang Ke’s perception was somewhat strange, as she should not be able to sense the divine power.

Therefore, the power she felt should be the killing power.

Chen Heng’s face was calm. In an instant, all sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he shook his head.

“There’s no need for that. It’s just a competition. There’s no need to go to that extent. Moreover, your current strength is indeed above mine.”

He said softly. Then, he turned around and left the arena.

He would easily win if he used the killing power and unleashed a power far greater than he was currently using. However, that would be a waste for Chen Heng.

Chen Heng had intentionally stored up the killing power to nourish his body and increase its strength. It would be a waste to waste it here.

Moreover, Chen Heng had already achieved his original goal.

Chen Heng came to this competition to get some money and test the strength of the people around him, which he has already achieved both of his goals.

Chen Heng’s desire to win wasn’t that strong. If he couldn’t win, he couldn’t win. It was just a competition. The outcome of the competition itself wasn’t important.

Thus, he left, appearing very relaxed and free.

Behind him, Yang Ke frowned as she stood on the stage, watching Chen Heng’s back as he left.

At the side, the mechanical voice announced the outcome of the match. Yang Ke obtained the final victory, entering the final round.

Of course, all of this had nothing to do with Chen Heng. In any case, according to the rules, he was already in the top three.

Although he only came in third place, the bonus was quite a lot based on his observation. With this money, Chen Heng could take a breather and not be too anxious.

Chen Heng left this area and returned to his workplace. Everything seemed normal. However, he found that things were unusual.

“What’s wrong with you two?”

Looking at Fang Tian and Fang Yuan, Chen Heng was surprised. He didn’t understand what they were doing.

He was about to pick up the kitchen knife to work when Fang Yuan quickly came forward and took the kitchen knife away with a smile on his face.

“Come, come, there’s not much work today. Just let me do it and rest well for a day.”


Fang Tian nodded as well. Her small face was full of seriousness, and her usual indifference was gone. Instead, there was a strong sense of concern. “Have a good rest today. There’s nothing much to do anyway.”

“Aren’t there still a lot of beasts to be slaughtered inside?”

Chen Heng raised his head and looked into the distance.

“That’s for later. We’ve already finished the workload for today. You just need to rest well.”

Fang Yuan hurriedly went forward and snatched the kitchen knife from Chen Heng’s hand, then pushed him aside to let him rest well.

Whatever Chen Heng wanted to do, he was stopped by the father and daughter, and the same applied to the others around.

“Lu, you’ve worked hard today. Rest well.”

“It’s just a few rare beasts. It’s not your turn to take action, so just let us do it.”

The people around him spoke cheerfully, and every one of them fought to get to work. He probably wouldn’t have believed this scene if it were any other time.

In the end, Chen Heng became the freest person in this area.

Sitting at the side, looking at the situation, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. At this moment, he felt speechless. Of course, he knew why.

Presumably, during his battle earlier, he had been watched by these people here, and they all knew that he had lost.

That was why these people were acting like this. They hoped that he would have a good rest and not overthink about it.

However, these people didn’t know that Chen Heng was totally fine. It was just a competition, not a big deal, and there was no loss even if he lost.

He was more willing to go in and work than resting here as he wanted to accumulate as much strength as possible to level up.

But at least for now, he can’t say it out and could only rest here obediently. He acted very calmly for the people around him watching.

This situation continued for a day or two before it returned to normal.

Two days later, Chen Heng picked up the kitchen knife again and began to work hard.

Because he hadn’t been able to work for the past two days, by this time, more than half of the killing power in his body had been used up, and he urgently needed to rejuvenate it.

Therefore, he picked up the kitchen knife and began to work hard, slaughtering all kinds of livestock and exotic beasts.

In the distance, a figure slowly walked over and arrived at the periphery of the slaughterhouse.

Yang Ke was wearing a black robe. Her long hair was fluttering in the wind as she slowly walked over.

She had already changed into a new set of clothes compared to before. Her hair wasn’t tied up but was just let down naturally. She looked gorgeous, with her long hair fluttering in the wind.

Although her expression was still cold, she could not help but soften when she looked at Chen Heng in the distance.

“He’s here.”

She looked at Chen Heng, who was busy in the distance. He seemed very tired, but he was still working hard.. She could not help but mutter to herself and said softly.

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