Divine Path System

Chapter 692 Solar System Will Be Shaken Today

Chapter 692 Solar System Will Be Shaken Today

Mr. Var's mansion was closed off five minutes ago. The highest security measures were implemented.",

It's almost like a top-secret experiment was going on in the mansion.",

Well, it was something more secretive than that.",

"This is a potion made from my essence."",

In a spacious training hall in the ghost ship, Varian, Sarah and Sia sat on a mat.",

Pointing to a milky white liquid in a blue bottle, Varian explained with a serious face.",

"Your essence?" Sarah asked to confirm again.",

Varian patted his chest with a proud expression. "Yes. My own essence. I extracted it myself."",

Sarah's gaze alternated between the milky white liquid and Varian.",



'By myself.'",

Sarah's jaw dropped and she stared at Varian with wide eyes. "Y-You…Pervert!"",

"…what?" Varian was honestly confused.",

"You want me to drink your essence?" Sarah yelled.",

"…Wait, wait, are you misunderstanding something?" Varian realized they weren't on the same wavelengths.",

"Sarah, you're the real pervert here. This isn't 'that' essence." Sia covered her mouth and chuckled.",

"Wha…I…I." Sarah's face flushed like the setting sun and she deflated like a balloon.",

"B-But Aunt A-Anna told me to be…." Even though her voice was low and her words were slightly broken, Varian was able to understand it clearly.",

His lips twitched and he clenched his fist. "That old pervert. No wonder she can't get married. No one wants a perverted granny."",

In a space city, Anna sneezed. "He must be cursing me. That pervert."",

Sia giggled and held with the potion bottle. "My potion comes off as blue, but yours is white. Varian, did you add something to it?"",

"Pfft." Sarah burst out laughing and Sia joined.",

"You perverts." Varian laughed.",

"Tsk. Tsk."",

Sia clicked her tongue and Sarah asked. "So, I need to take this potion as it is. Nothing else?"",

"Hm." Sia nodded. "To be sure, Enigma isn't certain it can work. The reason my blood has such an effect might be something else. But even if it doesn't work, it won't harm you. Enigma gave us guarentee."",

"I trust you." Sarah nodded with a smile and gulped down the potion.",

Varian and Sia stared at Sarah with an intense focus.",

Sarah closed her eyes and took deep breaths as her aura shot up by itself.",

Then, the aura in the entire room began to shake.",

Varian glanced at Sia in worry and she nodded indicating it was normal.",

"Boo, open."",

Numerous tiny holes appeared on the ghost ship and the aura outside found its way in.",


The aura seemed to be pulled violently as it shot towards Sarah. Instead of reaching her, it started to spin around with her as a center.",

Invisible to the naked eye, but clearly felt through special senses, an aura tornado was being formed with Sarah at the center.",

For their safety, Boo separated Varian and Sia from Sarah through a glass wall.",

"…Wow." Varian was amazed at the amount of aura gathered around her.",

If she could use it all, she could sweep the floor with level 9s. Of course, Sarah had no control over the aura, but since she was able to attract so much of it, Varian believed the results would be gratifying.",

"…What the hell." Sia, on the other hand, was dumbfounded. Even if she repeatedly took short breaths, she wasn't calming down.",

"V-Varian! What the hell is this?" In the end, she voiced her doubts.",

"Hm?" Varian titled his head. "Didn't you say there'd be a phenomenon after the potion is taken?"",

Sia raised her hand and covered her forehead in exasperation. "By phenomenon, I meant things like a strong breeze or a burst of light, not a fricking aura tornado! If we aren't inside the ghost ship, the whole mansion would've ripped apart."",

"…Ah!" Varian opened his mouth in surprise before swiftly turning to Sarah. "Then, what is happening?"",

"Exactly what I'm asking!"",

"…I don't know either, maybe my blood is responsible for this?"",

Sia narrowed her eyes. "Boo, give me a small path to Sarah."",

A small hole appeared on the glass wall and Sia's mind sense shot through it, pierced through the aura tornado, and reached Sarah.",

Then, her eyes opened wide.",


Like she had seen a ghost, Sia muttered like a broken record.",

"Is she in danger?!"",

"…I…I don't know."",

Another small hole appeared on the glass wall and Varian's mind sense reached Sarah in an instant.",

For a moment, Varian thought he was seeing things.",


Inside Sarah's body, a bright white liquid was exuding a blinding light.",

It was the potion.",

According to Sia, after entering the body, the potion would assimilate into the cells and bring about a fundamental change.",

The whole process wouldn't take more than three minutes.",

But Sarah…",

"The assimilation hadn't even begun yet…and what's that?"",

In contrast to the white potion, Sarah's body began to emit blue light.",

Varian was familiar with the feeling the blue light gave.",

It felt like Sia.",

Suddenly, he recalled her words from earlier.",

'My potion comes off as blue…'",

And his potion was white.",


The white potion shot out in all directions as if it was attracted by the blue.",

From Sarah's body, a bluish aura rose from all directions and went towards the white.",

In the blink of an eye, they collided against each other.",

It was like two waves crashing against each other, but unlike normal waves, these two didn't mix.",

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!",

Even though they were pushed back after the clash, the white and blue rushed toward each other again and again, as if the attraction couldn't be stopped.",


"They aren't assimilating…"",

They were drawing more and more aura from the surroundings in a bid to assimilate. But for some reason, they just couldn't integrate.",

Whoosh! Whoosh!",

The aura surrounding Sarah rose and her skin started to crack.",

The white and blue—Varian's and Sia's essence were drawing in even more aura, trying to use it to assimilate.",


Bit by bit, Sarah began to bleed. It began from her fingertip before spreading to her arm and then across all her body.",

Her body began to shake as injuries began to surface. The aura tornado turned dangerous.",


As if waiting for his words, the glass wall disappeared and Sia shot toward Sarah.",

But she couldn't even touch Sarah as the dense aura around her formed a thick shield.",


Sia tried to pull Sarah away, but under the seemingly endless aura, her powers were futile.",

However, Sia didn't give up. Pointing her hands towards Sarah, she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.",

The whole room started to shake violently as the aura repelled Sia's gravity.",


Varian's heart pounded so hard against his chest that it could've broken out. His pupils widened as he stared at Sarah who was growing more and more injured with each passing second.",

'No, no…how did this happen?'",

This was supposed to be a happy occasion. Sarah's talent would increase after taking his potion and her level would increase.",

Of course, he was worried about safety. But Enigma assured him that it was 100% safe.",

Then why…",

"Enigma, did she…?" Varian's eyes suddenly grew red as a very dangerous thought appeared in his mind.",

But it only lasted for a second.",

'No, she wouldn't.'",

Sarah began to bleed heavily. The aura grew too heavy now and as a result, her body was being destroyed.",

"Why…what's happening?!" Varian roared. "System!"",

[It's a bit surprising but…your essence is the essence of order and chaos, the essence of that hybrid is surprisingly the mix of space-time and life-death]",

"W-What are you saying…?"",

[Sia has traces of the other four slivers. At some point in her life, no, before she was born, she came into contact with the four slivers or at least, their powers.]",

"No, what should I do to save Sarah?"",

[All the six slivers wish to combine. But for any creature to hold the six powers, no, even the traces of the six powers is impossible.]",

"…Fuck all that, how can I save her? Tell me that!"",

[…Six powers, Host. If she can bear the six powers, she can survive.]",

"But didn't you just say it's impossib—" Varian froze abruptly and his eyes widened.",

Six powers. Six slivers.",

He heard them somewhere. Recently. Very recently. Not heard. He read that somewhere.",

Using his psychic power, Varian quickly scanned his recent memory before stopping on a particular piece.",

[Control the six slivers! Master the three avenues! Reach the mythical stage!",

Our Scion would aspire for it. To help him out, we did our best making the 'Primal Blessing.'",

Using it, Scion would gain the ability to wield the power of six slivers and three avenues!",

But we can make only one such miracle!",

For the rest, we found another way.",


It was when he got the book of synergy.",

Devas claimed that they made a 'Primal Blessing' for Scion—something that could help him control the six slivers.",

But they never gave it to him…or did they?",

Varian qualified as 'Scion' at one place and got a reward there.",

That reward…",

Varian took out the white orb he got from the golden room.",

He planned to give it to Sarah later, but…",

"This must be the Primordial Blessing."",

The system said it could only increase talent, but it couldn't increase his and was useless to him. So, Varian didn't think it was anything amazing but…how could the reward for clearing the legendary tenth stage be just that?",

"System, you said this only increases talent and it doesn't help me in any way. But this orb also helps in controlling the six slivers, doesn't it?"",

[Of course. Controlling slivers, and the affinity towards them, is also considered as a talent. As the system said long ago, you don't need it. You can control the six slivers without it.]",

"…" Varian took a deep breath and realized that the stupid system and he weren't even on the same wavelength.",

He turned to Sarah and pointed the white orb at her.",

Before he gave it to her, he suddenly paused. 'Are there any problems with this orb? Last time you said this orb has a wisp that induces loyalty towards devas.'",

[None. The wisp was obliterated the moment it came into contact with this system.]",

'If I give this to her, there would be no danger, physical, mental, or other damage to Sarah, right?'",


"Alright." Varian tapped the white orb.",

The air in the room Sarah was in was shaking so fast that it was heating up.",

Sia was still trying to bring Sarah out, only to realize it was getting harder with each passing second.",

"Sia, you can come back!" Varian yelled.",

Sia looked back at Varian and then at Sarah. She caught the glimpse of the white orb racing toward Sarah and realized that he likely found a solution.",

So, she stepped out of the room while keeping an eye on Sarah.",

The white orb entered Sarah's body in the blink of an eye. The moment it did, the white essence and blue essence froze.",

Like a vacuum cleaner, the white orb sucked in the white and blue essence.",

Then, it began to blend them into one. ",

The integration process which failed until now finally began.",

Varian explained the situation to Sia and they both watched in anxious silence.",

Primordial Blessing.",

The ability to control six slivers.",

Even devas, the descendants of the Ares tribe, could only make one such miracle.",

[Host, all creatures have varying affinities towards the six slivers and what they represent.]",

The system began speaking.",

[Even the ones that went very far on the divine paths, they can't control the slivers—no, forget about slivers, even the fragment of sliver powers outside their own affinity.",

Simply put, everyone has to pick only one path for Celestial Rank, right?",

That path, that avenue becomes their affinity.",

Human Bali, for instance, picked Space Path and abandoned his Fire Path.",

So, even if he can access the powers of all slivers or just traces of the slivers, he can only control Space and at most Time.",

Since he's a dual awakener and reached level 9, he'd have a very, very slight affinity with Order and Chaos Slivers. But that's it. It won't be of any significant use.",

Every creature is like that.",

When they reach Celestial Rank, they are active in only one avenue and only one path.",

They can control one sliver and at most two.]",

Varian's eyes widened as a thought struck him.",

'So the reason hybrids are created isn't just to have more paths…'",

[Hybrids have multiple origins, they can have an affinity towards more than one avenue. In theory, they should also be able to control six slivers.]",

'Have hybrids taken over the world already…'",

[Creating a hybrid with two origins is very, very hard but achievable.",

But three is impossible.",

This girl, Sia has three origins. She has traces of four slivers. But even then, she couldn't have survived. It's impossible.",


'What…' Varian couldn't grasp what it was saying.",

[Since you don't understand hybrids, think of it this way.",

The reason the project of hybrids even started is in hopes of creating a perfect creature that can wield the power of six slivers.",

Despite the strongest beings in the universe trying their best, they haven't been able to create a life form that can wield all six slivers.",

Even Sia, an impossible hybrid due to her three origins can't do it. She can control the powers of four slivers for now. With your essence, she'd also gain the affinity for the last two slivers.",

Both of these are ridiculous situations! ",


"What about me? Unlike them, I can control six slivers right away?"",

[Anytime System says something, don't count yourself in it. Common sense doesn't apply to you…]",


[So, if the Primordial Blessing that the devas boasted is the real deal, then it might grant Sarah the powers to wield the six slivers.",

But more immediately, it'd trigger a change and create a first in the universe.]",

Varian's eyebrows jumped and he hurriedly asked. "What?"",

Boom! Boom! Boom!",

Ghostship started to shake violently as if it was experiencing an earthquake.",

Varian closed his eyes as a blinding light emanated from Sarah, painting everything white.",

[Host, ask ghost ship to leave this place. Go to a desolate space! Soon!]",


[Solar System will be shaken today]",

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