Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 894 Types Of Law Manifestations

"Hmph! Surrender?" Nora Alstreim patted her hurt waist as her expression held a bit of disdain, "It was just a little injury."

She wanted people not to underestimate her just because of the fact that she belonged to the fairer sex.

"Suit yourself..." Logan shrugged.

He achieved what he came here to do, so he wasn't bothered to give her company in battle anymore. But, since it sounded like Nora Alstreim wanted a beating again, he didn't mind wounding her once again. As long as he could make Claire happy, he would do it even if it meant getting harmed as he felt too indebted to her for making her experience emotions that she never should've felt in the past.

"I appreciate that you can still stand and not whine like a petty woman, but..."

"Isn't it illegal, and unfair to give warnings like that?" Logan looked at a person over the elevated platform as he asked.

The person he looked at was none other than Grand Elder Valdrey Alstreim.

"I admit my mistake, but my granddaughter's life is too precious for me to sit still and do nothing." Grand Elder Valdrey Alstreim simply replied as he slightly bowed.

"Even if grandpa hadn't warned me, I had still sensed it. The result would've been the same with me only getting injured slightly. Hence, my grandpa's interference was negligible." Nora Alstreim boldly and logically stated.

"Makes sense, but I appreciate that if there would not be a second time..." Logan replied.

He didn't want to drag this battle out and just wanted to return to his seat after making Nora Alstreim understand that she had no chance to defeat him.

Nora Alstreim became taken aback. He didn't pursue this matter to disqualify her? Surely, he could've done that if he spoke to the Ancestor. Even if Grand Elder Valdrey Alstreim's interference was negligible, it didn't change the fact that it was wrong, and even humiliating to her as a prideful cultivator.

'Perhaps, I've misjudged him...' Nora Alstreim imagined, and her opinion of him slightly improved.

However, it was nowhere even in the level of becoming neutral. Her animosity was still apparent as she was the type to hold grudges. She wanted to get back for the two attacks that had managed to slightly harm and humiliate her.

Nora Alstreim took a deep breath as her bosoms visibly heaved. The essence of energy inside her dantian swirled as her purple-colored revolving core revolved. Her dantian shook as the reservoir of essence energy kept being summoned outside, shaping up into an enormous object.

It turned into large fan-shaped purple flames that seethed with a blazing hot wind.

The temperature around the martial platform increased to several thousand degrees, capable of burning mortals into ashes without even needing a second! If it weren't for the relatively high-grade materials around, everything would have perhaps started melting already.

Logan's nose twitched as he felt the searing heat that alternated between hot and cold pressurize the surrounding air. However, it did nothing to him as he was clad in purple lightning essence energy. He looked at the manifestation that was summoned and couldn't help but admit that Nora Alstreim did indeed possess the qualifications to possess the title of Young Mistress.

She was blindingly beautiful and powerful enough like Claire, but why did she have to go so far as to get rid of Claire from the competition? He couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't think much as he had seen how the world moves and how relations are, most of the time, only capable of being jealous when another person's talent exceeds them. However, Nora Alstreim took action and schemed against someone with equal talent. He found it hard that such a person could make any improvements in the future when they are relying on schemes.

However, looking at the purple-flamed fan in front of him, he couldn't help but think otherwise.

Nora Alstreim's manifestation appeared to be tremendously powerful, giving her appearance and temperament a huge boost, making her look like a rich female leader with elegant and proud bearings. The huge fan-shaped purple flame was three hundred meters tall and eight hundred meters wide, making the crowd gasp in awe.

One of the juniors couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected... Young Mistress Nora Alstreim's Law Manifestation has exceeded the realm of Distinguished Law Manifestation."

"Yes... Young Mistress's manifestation has reached the level of Grand Law Manifestation..." A female junior subconsciously responded while being absent-minded.

There were many people expressing their felicitation, surprise, proudness, jealousy, envy, and other hidden emotions. However, it wasn't the case for the Elders and Grand Elders. They were mostly full of appreciation and pride.

The more the Young Mistress shined, especially in front of outsiders, the more face they would receive, making them capable of keeping their heads raised above.

Ancestor Dian Alstreim laughed, "Nora Alstreim's Grand Law Manifestation isn't any weaker than my own! I remember that back when I was her age, the number of people who could conjure a Grand Law Manifestation was only around fifteen with the Alstreim Family, Towering Cloud Hall, and the Falling Snow Sect combined."

Davis nodded his head in response.

It looked as if a few top disciples of the hegemonic powers were able to conjure a Grand Law Manifestation. For example, he felt that Hannah, from the Falling Snow Sect, who never got a chance to battle because of Princess Isabella's extraordinary cultivation base, might be able to summon a Grand Law Manifestation.

That silent and pitiable woman didn't even have a chance to showcase her skills at that time.

He could tell that Nora Alstreim summoned a Grand Law Manifestation because he became educated. Consuming the knowledge of the Imperial Library of the Ethren Empire turned to be helpful at many times, making him comprehensive of many matters.

In short, Fifth Stage Essence Gathering Cultivators have to manifest a Law Manifestation from the Law Seed when they enter the Law Manifestation Stage. It can be anything, as long as they try to shape the image to the best of their ability. Most of them looked like weapons, some of them looked like types of furniture, instruments, and the likes, and some even looked like themselves. It could be even sceneries like Davis's perpetual rain of black lightning that stretched to kilometers long!

It was perhaps, formed from his own image of how Lightning should be, capable of causing rampant destruction to a large area! The effects depended upon the laws that they comprehended and weren't relevant to their imagination.

However, manifestations always differed, and two people can't create the same manifestation even if those two people were twins. As for how people differentiate the prowess of the Law Manifestations, most of the time, the effects didn't matter as long as their manifestation's size and prowess became apparent to the senses of the beholder.

The level of Law Manifestation was divided into five types.

Mediocre Manifestation.

Undistinguished Manifestation.

Distinguished Manifestation.

Grand Manifestation.

Superior Manifestation.

These five manifestation terms categorized the Law Manifestation Cultivators of the First Layer, and also decided the future of younger generational experts. In terms of the modern world, it was basically their higher studies exam results.

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