Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 889 Cannot Be Disparaged

Ancestor Dian Alstreim's pupils shook as he remembered that the Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf possessed a soul attack as their species technique. He was too late to stop anything now!

The people who saw the scene had their echoes stuck in their throat!

However, nothing happened even as two seconds passed.

Nadia just kept looking at him with an unbridled and daring gaze, maintaining an overseeing eye at him contact like a queen.

Ancestor Dian Alstreim blinked before he realized. He inwardly sighed as he could guess what was on this magical beast's mind. He was infringing on the pride of a King-Tier Magical Beast and disparaging its prestige. Of course, it was going to threaten him to release her by himself.

He released her wrist from his grasp, and Nadia let out a muffled snort.

"Nadia, return to my place. You've won the battle."

Nadia's golden eyes flashed as she heard Princess Isabella's voice. She hesitated for a second before she moved, heading towards her group, and her doppelganger that was made from her darkness energy followed suit before it disappeared into her body in an eerie manner; as if it were a ghost.

'It actually possesses another body? Is it a King-Tier Technique of a Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf, or is it a manifestation of its skill in Darkness laws?'

Ancestor Dian Alstreim became confused.

The Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf they knew of didn't possess a technique like that, but since Nadia was a King-Tier Magical Beast, he felt that it was likely a King-Tier Technique. Besides, he had never seen a King-Tier Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf before. Hence, he felt that his thinking was probably right.

Ancestor Dian Alstreim felt confused with another matter as well.

'It listened to its master even though it was humiliated by me...' He couldn't help but feel disbelief.

One has to know that King-Tier Magical Beasts didn't allow themselves to be humiliated. There would rather die than humiliated as their pride alone was sky-high. Hence, he felt that even if he was going to kill her, it would still kill Coyle Alstreim and take him to death with it.

Just returning like that wasn't something he had thought of, and neither did he think it was a possible course of action for a King-Tier Magical Beast.

'What kind of strange King-Tier Magical Beast is this?' Ancestor Dian Alstreim felt flabbergasted.

Subconsciously, he turned to look at Alchemist Davis before he cast his gaze at the Conferred Queen.

'Who in the Fifty-Two Territories is she? Or, is she also from the Forsaken Phoenix Realm?' His eyes flashed with scrutiny.

Nadia returned to her position and obediently sat. Since it was her third Mistress who was calling her back, she felt compelled to return. Besides, she knew that she wasn't a match for a Ninth Stage Powerhouse, so she listened and yielded.

Besides, her master has ordered to be low-key and not kill anyone unless she was deeply offended or was instructed to do so. Furthermore, she felt nothing bad about the battle and only felt that it was appetizing.

She didn't change back to her magical beast form because she found this form more suitable for the occasion. She was the only Magical Beast in the Grand Welcoming Hall. Hence, she felt that remaining a human would be more relaxing.

Besides, she had already finished the sumptuous feast placed in front of her.

'It was very delicious...' She licked her rosy lips as she mused, wanting to taste while eating the delicacies again. However, with her pride influencing her, she was unable to ask for seconds.

Nevertheless, Davis, who possessed a bit of her soul in his soul sea, was able to feel her emotions a bit.

He raised his hand and said, "I think Young Mistress's king-tier magical beast mount deserves compensation."

"Oh? Compensation... What do you propose then?" Ancestor Dian Alstreim curiously asked.

Many people were astonished that their Ancestor entertained a mere subordinate's request but thinking that the magical beast did indeed deserve compensation for being seized and interrupted and perhaps even a grand reward for winning the battle, they didn't think much.

After all, if Coyle Alstreim had won the battle, it would be in his right to receive a reward from the Ancestor for glorifying their Alstreim Family.

"Simple! Just another serving of those delicious Eighth Stage Magical Beast would do, perhaps in more amount."

Ancestor Dian Alstreim became taken aback before he laughed, "Hahaha! To think I didn't even think of basic courtesy. It looks like my eyes have blinded me since we're dealing with a magical beast. Someone, quickly serve a large portion of meat to Nadia, and make sure if others need their bowls to be filled again."

He patted Coyle Alstreim on his shoulders before returning to his seat.

Coyle Alstreim felt complicated. He was defeated in a single move due to his confidence and being caught off-guard. Thinking back, he should've been wary of her concealment skills, but since she got caught in his Nine Hell Sky Palm technique, he felt a counter-attack that quick was impossible.

Besides, his attention was taken away by her display of darkness devouring the Nine Hell Sky Palm Technique. Furthermore, he didn't expect for a second body or an energy manifestation body to exist.

It was his complete loss.

He obediently returned to his seat and took hold of the wine from another take before he gulped it on one move. The other person wryly chuckled and didn't say anything.

"Marvelous!"Ancestor Dian Alstreim praised.

"The King-Tier Magical Beast named Nadia's otherworldly beauty, and her skills are just as wonderful and sophisticated. It could be seen that she uses concealment a lot, a skill which Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf's does not use when compared to other techniques. Besides, they aren't proficient in concealment but seeing how it possessed twin-tails as a variation. I can safely say that there is more to Nadia than it seems on the surface." 

'Oh? You're finally willing to address Nadia as an individual female and not just a magical beast?' Davis inwardly mused before he responded through the Solitary Soul Avatar.

"Fellow cultivator Dian Alstreim is right. Nadia is special, and that's why she was able to become my Young Mistress's magical beast mount instead of a dragon."


The crowd below gasped when they heard the legendary words that invoked a sense of proudness and inferiority in one's heart. Perhaps, no matter how hard they tried, they would never be able to become a dragon among men, or even possess a magical beast dragon as a mount.

It was just too difficult, and dragons weren't present in large numbers for them to capture one.

The only magical beasts they could afford were mixed and inferior dragon-blooded magical beasts, whose blood had passed down when dragons mated with other magical beasts.

"Dragon... How powerful..."

"How envious..." Ancestor Dian Alstreim shook his head ruefully.

Even though he didn't bother much about the Conferred Queen, he didn't dare to underestimate her either. After all, she was an extraordinary individual, a young woman who was able to battle against opponents two levels away from her at the Eighth Stage, and even possessed the power to overwhelm Elder Towerfall!

To cross levels at the Eighth Stage... Something like that was unthinkable, even for him! Even he wasn't able to battle against a level when he was in the Law Sea Stage. 

It was just too difficult!

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