Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 802 Towering Cloud Hall's Wager

Princess Isabella's eyes lit upon hearing Elder Enye's words.

She possessed the knowledge of things that remained capable of increasing the comprehension of a cultivator was graded higher than it should be due to the rarity of these kinds of resources. The lack of supply and the demand also played a huge part in increasing a treasure's grade.

And what's more, Ice Laws were categorized as Greater Laws, fairly stronger than Primary Laws.

"Explain its effects in detail..." Despite the many doubts Princess Isabella had, she wanted to know about this first.

"The Nethersnow Spirit's tears only has the effect of increasing a cultivator's comprehension of Ice Laws if the Nethersnow Spirit's tears come from a Fifth Stage and above Nethersnow Spirit, but the Nethersnow Spirit's Tear Drops we're giving belongs to Seventh Stage Nethersnow Spirits."

"The effects of a King Grade Nethersnow Spirit Tear Drop on a cultivator who has already comprehend Elementary Intent of Ice Laws makes them directly able to increase their comprehension to Level One Intent with twenty teardrops."

"Truly magnificent. I'm becoming convinced..." Princess Isabella beamed as she nodded, "What kind of an effect would it have on a cultivator who has comprehended not even a bit of Ice Laws?"

"It should be known that using these teardrops on a cultivator who has not comprehended Ice Laws is incredibly wasteful. One should not further that Ice Laws are categorized within Greater Laws. They wouldn't be able to comprehend even if they consumed the teardrop and would instead quickly lose the flash of comprehension that arrives in their consciousness."

"Makes sense..." Princess Isabella nodded her head again as she too expected this, "Otherwise, it would become a heavenly resource..."

Heavenly resources would bestow the effect it possessed, even if it harms the user to death!

The nectar of the Million Emerald Vines Calamity, if taken by a First Stage Body Tempering Cultivator, there's a chance that cultivator would explode from the overwhelming energy that tries to increase their Body Tempering Cultivation! Even a single drop might do the job!

"Are those teardrops of Nethersnow Spirits, tears of sadness?" Davis suddenly asked.

There was a chance that the Falling Snow Sect reared them like livestock and tortured them into birthing these resources. Such a resource, although heavily helpful, wasn't suited to his taste.

Even if he is neutral to strangers and won't help them while feeling selfish, he never wanted to partake in gaining from the suffering of the innocent.

Elder Enye wryly shook her head, "Those are tears of joy. We devout almost twenty percent of our sect's resources to entertain and satisfy them. Their tears of sadness are the opposi-"

"Forgive me, I have said too much... The Sect Leader would be angry at me if I were to continue." Elder Enye slightly bowed before she looked at Elder Towerfall to continue.

'Oh... So that's why they're known to be emotionless. Their tears of joy are precious... while their tears of sadness are... destructive or something else?' Davis could only guess after observing Elder Enye refuse to speak suddenly.

Princess Isabella just nodded her head as if understanding Elder Enye's plight before turning to look at Elder Towerfall.

"The Towering Cloud Hall has prepared a Peak-Level King Grade Earth Essence born from the Haona-"

"The origins don't matter in this case..." Princess Isabella raised her palm and interrupted, "I'm more interested in knowing about its powers."

Peak-Level King Grade Spirit Attribute Sources were comparable to Emperor Grade Treasures in value, so she was able to accept this exchange even if she didn't hear the origin. 

Elder Towerfall's expression twitched. He was no fool. It became clear that the Conferred Queen was targeting him, perhaps because he didn't treat her subordinate right. He could only endure this humiliation and continue as the elder. If he bickered with a junior, especially a strong junior with insurmountable status, he knew he would be losing enormous face, and perhaps, he would be made fun of in his own sect.

He wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"The Earth Essence's name is known as Auspicious Yin Bloodstone. It is a heavenly resource capable of nourishing the body's flesh, meridians, bones, organs, bone marrow, and vitality. The Yin in its name does not refer to the Yin Laws, but it refers to a female, in how it is said that it is capable of making an infertile woman, incredibly fertile!"

"Conferred Queen must know how difficult it is for a woman to get conceived when her Body Tempering Cultivation is off the charts. This Auspicious Yin Bloodstone allows such women to get easily conceived. Furthermore, it is perceived that the child would absolutely have extreme talent in Earth Laws."

"It's just like how the Earth Essence is in the earth's embrace, being nourished, be growing stronger, and blessed by the heavens."

Princess Isabella's lips twitched while a blush appeared on her face as she became tempted. She had the blood of an Earth Dragon within her, and although that would make a man virile, it made her difficult to get conceived, far difficult that a woman of the same Body Tempering Cultivation as her.

It would be a lie if she said that she didn't feel worried about her future.

If she was able to obtain this Auspicious Yin Bloodstone and have a child with Davis...

Princess Isabella momentarily felt a shiver before her gaze became icy, "I told you to state its powers and effects relating cultivation, not its uses in a romantic life!"

Elder Towerfall inwardly sneered as he saw the Conferred Queen blush like a pure maiden. He became ecstatic on managing to gain one up on her, so he cheerfully continued.

"This Earth Essence, Auspicious Yin Bloodstone, has been rotting in our Treasury for a few centuries. If there was a worthy female Body Tempering Cultivator in our Towering Cloud Hall, it would have become hers long ago!"

"Now that it found the Conferred Queen, I guess it can be considered fate..." Elder Towerfall smiled meaningfully.

However, no one gave a crap about his smug expression, causing Elder Towerfall to let out an awkward chuckle.

"As for its effects on cultivation, by the research of our Elders, it is able to increase a cultivator's comprehension in Earth Laws to Level Seven Intent as time passes. Its battle prowess could be said to be a little complicated because its strength lay in healing wounds and restoring blood essence in an instant as long as you still have the Earth Essence within your dantian." 

Princess Isabella slightly nodded her head in satisfaction on hearing its effects. She knew that her battle prowess was already strong after being smoothly aided by the nectar, so it was almost impossible to increase her power further. She was extremely content with this healing and nourishing type of Earth Essence.

With this, her endurance would be enhanced, and she would be able to battle for a long time.

"Now that we have wagered our resources, how are we going to allocate the treasures to each battle?" Elder Towerfall asked with a confused exclusion expression on his face.

The number of battles hasn't been decided yet, and the allocation of treasures wasn't clear either. How were they supposed to battle like this?

"Isn't that obvious? We'll have five battles pitting the younger generation against each other as you two elders said as an example before. We'll battle two cultivators from Towering Cloud Hall, two cultivators from Falling Snow Sect, and for the remaining one, you can decide between yourselves." Davis suddenly spoke.

It was so out of turn that everyone couldn't help but cast a glance at him. After all, a subordinate shouldn't speak out of turn when one's master is speaking, his Young Mistress, the Conferred Queen in this case.

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