Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 645 Daring As This?

Only then did Natalya come out of her reverie and her expression seemed pretty shaken. Not because of the crash but she felt herself be swallowed by sorrow.

She absentmindedly opened the door to her room and entered. After that, things seemingly became dark as she closed her eyes, feeling the pain in her heart.

She closed the door and held her mouth, not wanting to alarm anyone as she wept heavily, her breasts heaving from not being able to stop herself from sobbing wearily.

In the past, she had failed to leave a letter because she didn't know where her grandpa was taking her to from Pavlos City, hence, she had failed to write a letter again.

So she was in the mindset that she would never see Alchemist Scythe again, resorting to making him an eternal memory through her painting skills.

But when she saw him and heard his familiar voice, she couldn't describe the happiness she felt in her heart! However, she had to suppress it because she noticed the anomaly because Alchemist Scythe always wanted to maintain his secrecy for unknown reasons.

When she learned his supposedly true name, she wanted to endearingly call him Davis! However, she had to suppress it because she had to act like she didn't know him!

When she learned that he got married, her heart plunged into a cold abyss! However, she couldn't let out a hint of being heartbroken because she had to suppress her cries!

Only sounds of muffled cries echoed in the isolated room, making her wanting to even kill herself as she couldn't take the pain gnawing her heart.


A few hours passed and it finally became night.

Since this was Natalya's family, it became a little complex, and Davis felt that he had to reconsider his hostile intent against Agis Stirlander.

Of course, if Agis Stirlander insisted that he becomes his enemy by needlessly searching for the Conferred Queen's origin, then he had no choice but to silence him.

The earlier event also made the Stirlander Family feel as if they were not respectful enough, hence, they urged Esteemed Alchemist Davis to stay for the night to provide hospitality.

Davis felt that he had more to investigate. So he took their offer and stayed for the night.

"Our humble abode only has a family of five, hence, you can take any one of the guest rooms that we've prepared..." 

Agis Stirlander spoke, so he took the one that was the furthest and settled in the room. The dinner was sent to him with the help of maidservants after which he filled himself up after checking for poison and the likes.

He still didn't let his guard down.


Currently, he languidly lay on the bed as it was midnight, thinking about what to do rather than sleeping like a guest.

A few minutes after, he blinked as his lips curved.

"Why don't you come inside rather than waiting in the chill outside?"

A silhouette dashed into the room through the open window, draped in black robes and a veil. Only the beautiful ink-black eyes that seemed to convey something to him were visible.

However, Davis noticed that the guest's eyes were slightly red.

"What happened, Natalya?" He stood up and asked.

However, Natalya failed to respond as she dropped her head.

Even after a while, seeing that she didn't speak, Davis approached her and stood close to her out of the familiarity he enjoyed with her.

"What happened?" He asked for a second time, feeling worried.

In his mind, this woman was rather adorable and clumsy in her actions in the past but over time, she became to serve him well as a servant, taking care of his interpersonal affairs, so he was rather worried that she might've been bullied here. 

After all, compared to the Tripartite Alliance Territory, the Alstreim Family Territory is more dangerous!

Nevertheless, seeing that she didn't reply, he moved his hand and lifted up her chin.

Moist eyes that were full of longing came into his sight, causing him to be taken aback. 

Davis took a step back as he let her chin go because he could recognize these eyes... 

He had seen these eyes before, eyes full of intense longing that looked similar to Princess Shirley's when he last saw her in the secret entrance that led to the Tripartite Alliance Territory.

"Don't go!" Natalya bit her lips and threw herself into his embrace.

Davis instinctively moved to capture her soft arms, preventing her from embracing him. 

At the same time, he felt a sense of deja vu...

This was like the last time, where she pleaded and became desperate for a sense of security in an alleyway when he was about to leave her after giving a small still of Low-Level Spirit Stones after urging her to stay strong.

But different than that time, he recognized that Natalya seemed desperate for something else.

Natalya let her tears fall out of her eyes as she wept, "I d-didn't know that you were married..."

"Of course you didn't as it happened only around four or five years ago..." Davis replied as he became confused.

He possessed a bewildering feeling of something being wrong since he didn't remember her to be this attached to him!

"But... But I am in l-love with you..."

Davis became stunned as he subconsciously loosened his grip when Natalya took this opportunity to struggle through to tightly embrace him, sticking her entire, warm and soft body on to him.

"You!" Davis felt a jolt run through his body when he felt her passionate mellowness!

Even then, he didn't lose his self as a thought came to his mind.

'Honey Trap!?'

His expression produced a grimace as he instantly imagined that Agis Stirlander has set up a honey trap for him using his own granddaughter rather than using other methods.

But then, he remembered Natalya wasn't the type to accept being a honey trap as she intensely despised being sexually exploited. He felt that she would choose death rather than being a honey trap.

He couldn't understand what was happening with this woman anymore!

Nevertheless, he wasn't flustered. His face became cold, "What are you doing?"

Since Natalya stuck her face to his reliable chest, her tears were staining his robe. She tightly held him, not willing to let him go. When she heard him ask, she subconsciously responded, "I want you!"

"You are mine.... mine..." 

Davis widened his eyes, wondering what this woman was spouting.

She seemed to mutter like a spoiler kid but her tone and her actions seemed to convey her feelings that she genuinely wanted him.

In his mind, Natalya wasn't as daring as this! He remembered that the last time he visited her room without informing her, she had pleaded for him to not take her innocence!

Davis's expression became complex. He stretched his hand back and captured her arms again. He then easily took her hands off his body and made them gain some space in between.

He looked at her heartbroken expression and coldly uttered, "Do you realize what you're saying? There is already a woman in my heart."

"You?" Davis narrowed his eyes, "You can only become my second!"

The tone of his voice echoed heavily and cruelly that it rudely awakened Natalya from her tantrum and desperate actions.

His words reverberated in her eardrums as she came to fully understand what he meant and the moment she did, her knees became limp as she fell, feeling the absurdity of her own words.

Simultaneously, her eyes became dull.

"Ta..." She mumbled.

"What?" Davis couldn't hear her words. His heart rather felt that he should be soft on her as he was in the past, so he couldn't help but lift her up.

Natalya stood up with his help. She didn't support her body as she still felt limp. Her dull eyes seemed to find its hope and at the same time, her soft and luscious lips moved.

"Take me..."

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