Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1014 Illusion Law Genius?


Nora Alstreim's gasped before she pursed her quivering lips, embraced her abdomen, and sat down in agony as her knees touched the ground once again. Blood leaked from her mouth as it trickled down below her neck, dripping on her white robes, but she refused to let out a scream of pain as she looked at the clenched fists of Claire.

It was a sudden blow to the gut! She saw it but was still unable to stop it as the difference in their attacking speed seemed to have a wide gap. It was evident that their Body Tempering Cultivation wasn't at the same stage.

Nevertheless, she still recognized Claire, the Dragon Queen's subordinate, in front of her be an impostor.

Claire lightly snorted as she savored the impact that she felt through her fist. Feeling accomplished that she would finally have a chance to get her personal revenge, she reached out her hand and clasped Nora Alstreim's blonde hair as she pulled on it, making themselves see face to face.

"Do you feel hopeless? Despairing? Anguished? Perhaps, deep pain from the depth of your soul?"

She repeated those same words she said earlier.

Nora Alstreim was still unable to answer as she felt as if her internal organs were displaced, but in reality, it was not. That one fist to her gut had internally damaged her because of her inability to defend, but she could also feel that it wasn't anything threatening to her life.

"Don't you remember these familiar words you once delivered to me?"

Nora Alstreim raised her head, looking at that familiar face be so hostile towards her.

"I... What are you... talking about?" She spat out blood in intervals as she spoke.


Abruptly, her soul force instantly shot out of her forehead, trying to catch the self-proclaimed Claire in front of her off-guard! However, the moment her soul force extended out, it was quickly suppressed by a powerful soul force that unexpectedly came from the person in front of her!


Nora Alstreim's lips became agape, and her eyes slightly became wide as she felt the contending soul force push forward against her attack so easily before entering her soul sea and enveloping the space without being impeded, maintaining dominance in an authoritarian manner!

Compared to her Mid-Level Young Soul Stage soul force, the other party's Low-Level Adult Soul Stage soul force quickly subdued her soul sea, rendering it incapable of a counterattack unless she could break open the restriction placed upon her!

'It's over!'

Nora Alstreim's expression became deathly pale! The tiny gap she had opened while attacking turned out to be an opportunity for the enemy to invade her soul sea! This way, it would become comparatively easier for the enemy to place a slave seal on her!

"You have tremendously slacked off on cultivating your Soul Forging Cultivation, Nora. Not that it matters, but still... Is that why you feared me and had my cultivation base sealed in the secret entrance?"

Nora Alstreim had her mouth already opened in shock of her fate, but it became even more agape as she spontaneously realized something. The soul force of the other party... the familiarity of it... It was the same.

It was exactly as she remembered, other than the difference of the stage.

Could the person in front of her truly be Claire Alstreim and not some illusion!? She found it difficult for an illusion to be this well made, but if it was displayed from her subconscious, then she could understand how this person in front of her could exist.

But undoubtedly, the person in front of her was present physically! If it was from her taken from her subconscious mind, then it would be comparatively difficult to fool her with both reality and illusion mixed in the illusion that was cast against her!

Unless the other party was an extreme genius in using illusory techniques, she refused to believe that this woman was Claire!

Claire instead smirked as she took Nora Alstreim's hysteria as a yes. She widely turned around and pulled on Nora Alstreim's blonde hair, dragging her over the surface like she was a floor mop.

"You! Let me go! I don't know what you are- Arggh!" Nora Alstreim tried to struggle as she felt intense disgrace, but she experienced a sudden bout of head-splitting pain in her soul. She couldn't help but tear up as her eyes became moist. She was unable to endure that sudden pain that stemmed from the soul and screamed, but she quickly clenched her bloodied teeth and suppressed her voice.

"Silence!" Claire kept walking as she suppressed Nora Alstreim through using her soul force.

She arrived in front of an untouched room and stood before it as she pushed the door open, but before she took a step forward, she turned her head and spoke.

"Davis, don't come inside, okay? I don't want you to see this side of me." Claire smiled with a frighteningly calm demeanor that it made Davis blink in hesitation.

She didn't wait for an answer and headed inside the room, dragging the miserable yet silently suffering Nora Alstreim with her before closing the door with a bang.

Davis frowned as he became worried about his mother. He would not like her to become crazy because of this revenge as he felt some abnormality in his mother's psyche. He walked forwards but was suddenly stopped by a person.

It was none other than Princess Isabella, who possessed a solemn expression on her face.

"Respect your mother's wishes, Davis."

"I know what you're trying to say, but I can differentiate truth from falsehood and learn the veracity of her words to a certain degree, which should be helpful to mother's interrogation." He explained.

"I see..." Princess Isabella nodded her head in agreement before she narrowed her eyes, "Don't tell me you believe in Nora Alstreim's words?"

"No... I..." Davis frowned as he descended into contemplation.

Is there a need to verify the truth? There is actually a need... but if he even half-believed in Nora Alstreim's words, doesn't that mean he is disbelievingly his mother's words...?

'Fuck! I always end up feeling pity for beautiful women...' Davis didn't deign to think anymore. If he did, he felt like he would be asked whose side he was on, which would end up complicating the close relationship he had with his family.

He had already slighted his mother once by making her battle to the death with his father, so he mused that he should stay out of this if he knew what's good for him.

However, there was still another matter that was on his mind.

He abruptly raised his hand and clasped Princess Isabella's wrist as he pulled on her!

Princess Isabella's heart skipped a beat. She widened her eyes as she felt herself be pulled into his embrace; her bosoms pushed against his chest in an extremely intimate manner as she instantly felt his warmth passing through.

Davis breathed in as her fragrance while her expression became more tantalizing, but he possessed an indifferent expression on his face.

"Did I ever say that you can use my Million Emerald Vines Calamity's nectar for strangers or a competition without asking for my approval?"

Princess Isabella's dreamy expression changed as it became a bit awkward.

She lowered her head and said, "It's...

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