Death… And Me

Chapter 1599 Not Worth It

Chapter 1599 Not Worth It

  Sure enough, as soon as they verified their badges with their Divine Senses, they visualized a new option. There, they saw a ranking board showing the position of all Foundation Establishment cultivators. 

-1st: Duma, 126 Points.-

-2nd: Vita, 119 Points.- 

-3rd: Zanshi, 118 Points.-

In the end, the kids in the top 5% were given a chance to select the kind of job they wanted to take in the sect. Since the sect was in the middle of its construction, there was no lack of tasks available. Nevertheless, they were all kids, so they kind of selected the tasks where they could be closer to their friends instead of tasks that could pay more. 

Fortunately for the kids, the tasks available were all similar in their aspect of being able to be completed by kids. Anything more complicated was obviously left out. For example, no leadership tasks were offered to the kids. Of course, Roan wasn’t an idiot. With the results of the tests, he only made available tasks that matched each kids’ abilities. Some were smarter, others stronger, and so on. They had to focus on what they were best at.

”Next, the Core Formation Realm disciples. First, the Initial Stage ones, come forward.” Roan once again called the next group.

This time, the number of kids was almost next to zero. There were only five of them in the Core Formation Realm group that were below the age of ten. Those ones all happened to be at least Green Color Talents. Of course, there were also a lot of adults in the mix. Naturally, that’s because cultivation took longer the higher one went.

Although there were Initial Stage Core Formation Realm kids, it was difficult to find those at the Peak Stage of the Core Formation Realm being younger than 16 years in age. Well, in fact, only one of them was 16 with that cultivation level, a young man called Fosxin. All the others in the same stage were above 20 years old.

When Fosxin had his talent color tested in the first test, the red color immediately came out, showing that this youngster had the same talent as Luan.

At the same time, it showed just how hard it was to cultivate for those without a backing. Let’s not forget that Luan was just thirteen years old but was already in the Initial Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. He and Fosxin had the same talent, but they were one realm and two stages apart!

Roan quite liked Fosxin. Not because of his talent but because of his cunning behavior. As mentioned before, the twins wouldn’t only get goody-two-shoes for the sect. They had especially picked people similar to Fosxin in bulks. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that at least 30% of the sect was filled with people like him. Roan also predicted that these people would be the ones to grow faster during the first years, which he deeply approved.

Without any surprise, Foxsin got the highest score after the two tests, 141 points. Once again, the top 5%, which obviously included Fosxin, were given a chance to select their own jobs. Fosxin didn’t get a high-paying and easily manageable job. Instead, he immediately selected the demon beast capture task.

Rean and Roan weren’t planning to go out and capture all the demon beasts for the demon beast forest alone. Instead, Roan considered that a very useful task for those who wanted to gain more experience. However, he also made sure to mark down that these kinds of tests were dangerous and that there was the risk of death involved. On the other hand, it obviously had one of the highest payments. ‘Not bad, kid. I’ll keep an eye on you,’ Roan thought.

Other than Fosxin, the twins’ attention was also caught by a woman who seemed to be in her early twenties, Tatiana. She wasn’t anywhere near Fosxin’s cultivation realm or talent. However, they could tell that she found a very compatible cultivation technique for herself. Even though she was only a Yellow Color Talent, her cultivation speed turned out to be on par with Fosxin himself. 

Her results were not as good as Fosxin in the slaughter formation. But she more than made up for that with her cultivation speed test. It went without saying that her score on that specific test was higher than Foxsin’s. After all, she could match him in cultivation speed with a lower talent. The parameters set in the cultivation speed test gave her a much higher score. Tatiana got the ninth position with 126 points. Yes, ninth. That’s because her strength test went quite poorly. She was in the bottom 20% during that test. Her ninth position highlighted just how good her cultivation speed score was.

”Next, Core and Soul Fusion Realm disciples. From here onwards, the position of sect elders will be available for selection in the tasks. However, it’s not permanent, so think well if you want to take it. Also, I can guarantee that your working load will be much higher. With that said, another test to judge leadership will be added as a third test. There are five positions for elders of the System Sect available for Core and Soul Fusion Realm members, so make sure to give it your all. Although the workload is higher, it definitely will be worthwhile with the monthly payment in Sect Points.”

Rean decided to add another point, saying, “As Roan mentioned, the payment is definitely very high. However, you will have to be an example to the others. If it turns out that you became an elder and decided to slack off, not only will we demote you, but your Sect Points will also be taken away. Even punishment will be in place for such people. Believe me… Roan’s punishments are definitely not something you want to go through.”

The disciples felt a chill on their backs after hearing that. They had been here just for a few weeks, but Roan’s short temper was already well known by all. Some even couldn’t help but think that the high payment was not worth it at all.

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