Constellation Door

Chapter 3488

Chapter 3488: Copy (2)

Translator: 549690339


It was because … At this moment, he saw Yuan Shuo.

When he was young, his teacher seemed to be in Silver City as well. Silver City wasn’t very big. When Li Hao was four or five years old, Yuan Shuo must have chosen to stay in Silver City to save his life. At that time, superpowers had risen a few years ago, and Yuan Shuo was a little difficult to deal with, so he chose to stay in Silver City.

Seeing Yuan Shuo wasn’t strange.

The strange thing was … There was actually a woman following Yuan Shuo, and most importantly, it was not the Azure light sword!

Li Hao was speechless!

Teacher, this … When he was young … No, when he was living in seclusion, he wasn’t young anymore. He seemed to be in his fifties, and at that time, Yuan Shuo was still hitting on girls!

Seriously … In the past, he had always thought that his teacher was a man of virtue and prestige. Even when everyone called him old demon, he had always thought that his teacher was a gentleman. So, it turned out that he was so shameless.

It was really …

I can’t look too much!

If she looked at it too much, her image would collapse.

Yuan Shuo was only a corner of his memory. The Silver City was too small, so it wasn’t strange to meet him. Li Hao had even met Liu Long when he was young. At that time, Liu Long had been an ordinary patrol officer of the Silver City’s Patrol office.

The two sides brushed past each other. They probably didn’t expect that after more than ten years, they would have a great encounter.

Li Hao suddenly felt that it was quite interesting to see his own life from the perspective of a bystander.

Second cat was beside the consciousness light ball.

At this moment, second cat was also watching carefully.

After watching for a while, he felt that Li Hao’s childhood was actually very simple. There were not many misfortunes. Moreover, Li Hao, who had been intelligent since young, was well-liked by the people around him and lived a happy life.

Until … The memories kept passing by, until that day, when the young Li Hao saw two charred corpses, badly damaged … His parents had died in an accident in a car accident …

At this moment, Li Hao’s life had a huge change.

Looking at the scene in his memory, Li Hao was silent.

His childhood and youth were all happy.

Everything had changed from this moment on. It was also from this day that the red moon organization had begun to invade. The secrets of the eight great families of Silver City had begun to spread, and the descendants of the eight great families had been killed one after another.

Accidents kept happening in this small city.

After his parents ‘death, he had thought it was an accident. At that time, although Li Hao was sad, he continued to live his own life. His brother Zhang Yuan cared for him a little more, so Li Hao didn’t feel too lonely and desperate during this period.

Later on, he and Zhang Yuan went to the Silver City ancient Academy together.

Due to his better memory and talent, he was chosen by Yuan Shuo to study the ancient language system with him. From then on, he became Yuan Shuo’s last disciple in the Silver City ancient Academy.

The memories kept on flashing by …

Li Hao’s will tensed up slightly. Ermao also felt it. Li Hao, who was a rank seven venerable sovereign, was a little nervous at this moment.


The memory came to a rainy night.

A red shadow appeared.

At this moment, Li Hao’s will wavered. He even wanted to interfere and kill the shadow!

He knew!

His memory of that night was too clear. His brother had died on the same night, and before his death, he had asked him to leave the ancient academy. That was how the Silver City’s Patrol division’s patrol officer, Li Hao, had appeared!

In the past, Li Hao only knew the latter part.

He wasn’t too sure what was happening in front of him, but he saw it today.

The red shadow seemed to be wavering.

In Li Hao and Zhang Yuan’s dormitory, there were some fluctuations between the two dormitories. Obviously, the red shadow might not have expected that on this day, she would feel the auras of the two bloodlines of the eight great families.

Perhaps he had sensed it, but Li Hao’s aura was even more intense. His original target was probably Zhang Yuan, but now, he was wavering. In the end, he was led by the person behind the red moon and entered Zhang Yuan’s dormitory.

Li Hao’s will instantly entered!

Second cat followed him in.

In the dormitory, it was dark and lightless. A red shadow suddenly entered Zhang Yuan’s body. Zhang Yuan, who had been sleeping soundly, was suddenly jolted awake. His entire body seemed to be on fire. He was in extreme pain, but he could not make a sound!


In fact, the red shadow was burning his bloodline power, the Zhang family’s bloodline power.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan was in so much pain that he couldn’t make a sound. It was as if his entire body had been burned to ashes. He was in so much pain that he even gave up struggling.

Originally, the red shadow’s supernatural power could easily deal with an ordinary person.

Let the other party die in ignorance!

He was unable to resist or resist.

But at this moment, Li Hao discovered that the extremely pained Zhang Yuan seemed to have also discovered and seen something. His bloodline was ignited to the extreme, and the rich power of his bloodline seemed to let him see something …

Next door!

A red line of blood!

It was the eight trigrams Formation that the eight great families had used to seal the red moon sovereign. At this moment, Zhang Yuan felt as if he could see his own blood-red threads breaking apart.

And next to him … Was Li Hao. A line of blood also floated above his head.

He didn’t know where the desire to live came from, but Zhang Yuan, who was originally lying on the bed, unable to move, suddenly struggled at this moment. With a bang, he fell from the bed.

In the dormitory, there were other people who seemed to have been awakened by this movement. Someone shouted a few times, but there was no response. In the dark, Zhang Yuan crawled, struggled, and pained …

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