Constellation Door

Chapter 3454

Chapter 3454: The king of myriad DAOs (3)

Translator: 549690339


Now that Samsara had run away, could the extreme Ice realm and the other realms fight against these cruel people?


Although there were still many level 8 worlds, 11 level 8 worlds, and 15 level 8 venerable sovereigns, so what if there were 15 level 8 worlds?

Could they be United?

Could they all rise up to resist?

There were quite a number of level eight venerable sovereigns in the group of new martial and silver Moon.

“You’re welcome. I have to thank Daoist Wanqiu for the information.”

Li Hao appeared with a group of people, smiling.””If you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t have known that the human King was surrounded! He also didn’t expect that a total of eight eighth level venerable sovereigns would be dispatched. This was really unexpected and he almost fell. Fortunately, the heavens have blessed us …”

God bless?

What nonsense is this!

You guys were too ruthless!

Thearch Wanqiu was speechless, but she quickly found a topic to talk about.””Senior, elder myriad transformations has responded to the Alliance. He’ll be here soon to discuss some cooperation with you. Not only elder myriad transformations, but there are also several other core elders in the Alliance …”

In fact, the news had just been sent back.

It wasn’t clear whether myriad transformations Supreme Emperor had received the news before this. However, after Samsara escaped and Li Hao killed those rank eight Supreme emperors, this myriad transformations elder, who was usually elusive, gave a response.

It would be here soon!

Wanqiu could not tell whether she was shocked or if she had just received the news, but … She would not say that.

Hearing this, Li Hao also revealed a happy expression.””Then I’ll have to thank fellow Daoist for your support! It just so happens that we also need some time to digest what we’ve learned from the battle. We’ll stay here for a few days. Sorry to trouble you, Daoist Wanqiu!”

“I wouldn’t dare … It’s my honor to have seniors stay in Alliance City 9!”

She glanced at the people behind Li Hao and secretly clicked her tongue. They were all a group of brutal people.

He couldn’t afford to offend him!

At this moment, Li Hao seemed to have thought of something. He asked,””By the way, do you know anything about the giant kun Peng beast that was with the Samsara Emperor?”

Wanqiu was stunned, but she quickly replied,””I’m not too sure, but if it’s from the huntian faction, it should be Emperor Pengcheng! In the early years, they formed an alliance with huntian Supreme Emperor. When he reached level nine, he became the leader of huntian’s chaos race and demon race … Huntian Supreme Emperor is a human, and some of the chaos race and demon race are not willing to submit to him … With great emperor Peng Cheng around, at least it sounds better in name. ”

Li Hao nodded slightly.

The Chaos Beast was not weak. It had the power of a level 8 and had around 4000 Dao laws. It was not as strong as a human King, but it was not considered weak among level 8. The weak ones would depend on Wu Shan and the others …

Alright, it was a slap in the face, but Li Hao naturally wouldn’t say it.

This time, the reincarnation bombshell could be teleported away directly. If it wasn’t for this rank eight Chaos Beast, it wouldn’t have been so easy. The reincarnation bombshell might have been destroyed this time.

It had to be said that at this time, the role of an eighth-order Chaos Beast was reflected.

He could attack and defend.

He could take the world with him!

As for rank eights like the reincarnation Emperor, they could also teleport, but their speed was extremely slow.

The Dragon Lord was an eighth-tier Chaos Beast. The reason why he asked was because he wanted to see if he had any connection with the Dragon Lord. After all, they were all from the chaos race.

“Fellow Daoist, you do have some understanding of the West. The information about the middle world Alliance is not weak …”

Li Hao’s words shocked Supreme Emperor Wanqiu. She hurriedly said,””It’s just that some of the top experts in the primordial chaos have some reputation. That’s why they know a little about it. It’s too far away, and we’ve only heard about it from hearsay!”

Li Hao was just saying that. Seeing her frightened look, he laughed in spite of himself and said,”Fellow Daoist, you’ve misunderstood. I don’t mean anything else … By the way, I’m able to solve some problems this time because you provided me with information. If your universe of the great path only needs some power of the great path to enter Level Seven, perhaps … I can help.

The person in front of him was also a World Master, a master of the great Dao.

Li Hao wasn’t sure if he could reach Level Seven.

If they simply needed some energy, it had to be said that a piece of information from the other party was worth Li Hao’s energy. Even if the human King knew about it, he would not be stingy. Without the information, Li Hao might not have been able to make it in time.

Supreme Emperor Wanqiu was overjoyed. Was this … Appropriate?

Can I speak?

To them, they were only level six after all. Not to mention level eight, even Level Seven venerable sovereigns were existences they looked up to. To kill a level Seven to fill their own great path universe?

What a joke!

If it was so easy to kill a seventh step, then they themselves would be seventh step cultivators.

However … To ask for benefits from a group of evil people … Would he be tired of living?

Also, if I reach the seventh step, will they raise me like a pig and kill me after I’m fat?

She had many thoughts in her mind, but the temptation of a seventh-grade beast was still irresistible. She was in a difficult position and struggled a little. In the end, she carefully said,””That … If … If senior can … Can provide me with the corpse of a seventh grade venerable sovereign and the power of a great Dao, perhaps … I …”

Li Hao was stunned.”Only a seventh rank venerable sovereign?” he asked.

He turned around and looked at Qian Wuliang and Hong Yitang.

The two of them were expressionless and pretended not to see anything.

Don’t look!

Could it be the same?

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