Constellation Door

Chapter 3405

Chapter 3405: Chapter 552-everyone has their own plans (2)

Translator: 549690339


After a moment of silence, the reincarnation Emperor said,””I’m afraid it’ll be difficult to become the Overlord of the East. My reincarnation cycle might even be in danger of being destroyed! “Extreme frost and the others are indecisive. Although it was a little dangerous when they attacked earlier … They didn’t even move. This also means that … If they really encounter danger, they might lose their sense of propriety …”

The extreme Ice realm and the other realms did not interfere this time. It seemed good that they did not suffer any losses.

However, if this happened again and again, it would be difficult for the rank 8 worlds in the East to have the power to dominate.

“And now, I can’t do it alone …”

The reincarnation Emperor was silent for a while before he said slowly,””I have the intention to form an alliance with the Western huntian … Or even … Surrender!”

Everyone was shocked!

However, the Samsara Emperor regained his composure. As the strongest expert in the East, he was not so easily depressed and desperate. However, this sudden crisis made him feel the threat of the destruction of the realm.

The fall of three rank-8 venerable sovereigns and the incapability of the other rank-8 venerable sovereigns in the East made him realize that the East was no longer peaceful and safe.

In the four-direction region, long Zhan was also restless. The attack this time was not necessarily to help the human King and the others, but … To weaken the strength of the East.

Unfortunately, those guys were all sweeping the snow in front of their own doors.

In the previous battle, none of the rank eights had participated, not even a rank seven. They had just watched.

“Of course,” the Samsara Emperor said in a deep voice.”As a price, I need the heaven battering realm to pay a large amount of resources and the power of life and death to pry open the Samsara and see if we can revive Fu Sheng and the others!”

“Let Samsara become the representative of huntian in the East … Huntian will pay a huge price, but from now on, it can take root in the East! Stop the dragon clan from leaving the four regions …”

The seventh level venerable sovereigns looked at each other and one of them said in a low voice,”Realm Lord, Fu Sheng and the others … Can they … Be resurrected?”

“I control the reincarnation, the Emperor of life and death!” The reincarnation Emperor said in a deep voice. Although the three of them are dead, the great Dao is broken, and the stars are shattered, their Foundation still exists … As long as the reincarnation realm is not destroyed, they will have a chance to live … Now, everyone thinks that our reincarnation has suffered heavy losses. If we can resurrect a few people now, our reincarnation … Still has a chance!”

He looked to the West, where three parties were fighting for supremacy.

Huntian, spring and autumn, and the five elements were all fighting for supremacy. The West wanted to unify the chaos, and the East should be the last territory. Therefore, huntian was the first to bear the brunt. The problem he had to face was to attack him from the north and south!

However, if it was the East, with his people and his Alliance Army … Only then would huntian have more opportunities.

Would huntian agree?

He should be.

Moreover, huntian had been making sovereign skydust active in the East all these years, drawing in people from all over the world. Perhaps … There were also rank eight worlds that had come to join him, and there should be quite a few rank Seven Worlds as well.

If he could combine all these powers, he could even surpass the past.

However, he would have to pay a certain price.

With so many thoughts in his mind, the reincarnation Emperor couldn’t tell if he was regretful or not. He looked at the crowd again and said softly,””My fellow Daoists, do you have any objections?”

Everyone understood that the Samsara Emperor had made up his mind.

Someone was a little disappointed and sighed,””The reincarnation realm has dominated the East for many years. Today …”

He couldn’t continue.

Venerable reincarnation monarch was still in a good mood. He said calmly,””Since things have come to this, sighing is useless. I can only save myself!”

He appeared calm and looked to the West again. After a moment of silence, he said,””No matter what, reincarnation still exists! If huntian wants to unify the world, I might need to help him … I still have a chance in my reincarnation!”

As he said this, he waved his hand and a man appeared in front of him. It was a venerable sovereign of the world of reincarnation. At this moment, the man’s face changed dramatically.

He was terrified to see a group of top venerable sovereigns here.

As for the Samsara Emperor, he didn’t say much. He was already aware of some of huntian’s spies and methods, so he didn’t bother to care. At this moment, he extended his hand, and that person’s aura surged and ripples appeared on his body.

It began to spread into the void.

After an unknown period of time, an extremely weak fluctuation appeared from an unknown place far away.

After a long time, the fluctuation suddenly trembled.


The reincarnation Emperor sighed with emotion. After a long time, he nodded. “It’s me, I greet fellow Daoist huntian!”

The fluctuation stopped for a moment.

“Fellow Daoist Samsara, is there anything I can help you with?”

“I’m sure you know about the changes in the East. ”

Samsara didn’t waste time and went straight to the point.”The powerhouses of the four-direction region have left the Thunder region and the East is in turmoil. This may be a good thing for fellow Daoist … But it may not be a good thing! The situation in the East is complicated. In the four regions, there are still the Thunder region and the tianfang world, two secret lands. They might even attract a level nine venerable sovereign!”

“In the world of Samsara, you can sign an Alliance agreement with me. What I need is to resurrect three rank eight venerable sovereigns and four rank seven venerable sovereigns. I also need many corpses of high-ranked venerable sovereigns, including a large number of great Dao crystals and world origins!”

“As for Samsara, they can take root in the East. At a critical moment, they are willing to attack the north and south Lords from the side!”

The weak fluctuation seemed to be in deep thought.

“How much do you need?” he asked after a long time.

“Three eighth-rank corpses, four seventh-rank corpses, three high-level world origins, and the more mid-tier worlds, the better! A Dao crystal requires 100 billion!”

Huntian Supreme Emperor seemed to be weighing the pros and cons.

“Eighth-rank corpses … There aren’t that many …”

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