Constellation Door

Chapter 3364

Chapter 3364: The two kings travel everywhere

Translator: 549690339


Second cat was silent. It was impossible. I just didn’t believe it.

“If you’re going to the South … You can take me with you,” he said after a long time.

It also wanted to go.

The Thunderbolt master, on the other hand, had a headache. He could not help but say,””The Overlord of the South … The two level eights of the Twin universes seem to be ordinary here. The five five-element Supreme emperors are all level eights, and even peak level eights can only be considered overlords … This one is alone, but he’s the Overlord of a region. He’s definitely extremely powerful, perhaps even more powerful than the Dragon Master …”

Are you sure you want to go?

This … Wasn’t this just asking for trouble?

What were these people thinking?

In the Twin universes right before us, a level eight has died, and no one knows about it yet. Where are we going? with me, Wu Shan, and Li Hao, there’s nothing to be afraid of!

But … It was very dangerous to go and find the Overlord of the South.

Then why not stay in the four-sided domain and fight with the Dragon Master?

Li Hao exhaled.”Let’s wait and see. Let’s understand the situation first.”

He definitely had to go.

He was really interested!

As for the danger … It didn’t matter. It was dangerous everywhere he went. He wouldn’t be satisfied if he didn’t go and take a look.

Seeing this, the Thunderbolt master did not try to persuade him any further. He only felt a little helpless.

He didn’t quite understand what this guy was thinking.

There are many ways to comprehend the great Dao, so there’s no need to take such a risk. It’s better for us to take it step by step.

At this moment, Kang Han was already extremely frightened.

He felt like he was going to be killed!

These people were so arrogant. One wanted to fight the Twin universes, and the other wanted to go to the South to see the Dao of the southern Overlord …

Could this group of people be grade 8?

It was very possible. Otherwise, where did he get such confidence from?

Was the four-sided region’s inner scroll so deep?

Even a level eight venerable sovereign had been driven out?


At the same time.

Within the lightning territory.

At this moment, there was one more person in the lightning territory. He was still carrying a large blade and was strolling around the lightning territory as if there was no one else around.

He had a bright smile on his face.

However … He soon became puzzled and looked in a direction. Amidst the lightning, the iron-eating Supreme Emperor, whose body was in tatters, could not find Li Hao and the others. In fact, the iron-eating Supreme Emperor had wanted to look for them, but unfortunately, he had not met them.

He didn’t really want to go to the outer area, but he couldn’t return to the square area either. Here, he was struck by lightning every day, and he was about to die.

He was considering whether he should go to the outer region or he would really be struck to death.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a powerful saber intent. The iron-eating Thearch was extremely afraid and looked over. His eyes blurred, and a person appeared in front of him.

The iron eater Thearch’s expression changed drastically!

As for the human King, he sized him up and laughed,””Iron-eating?”

“You …”

The iron eater Thearch’s expression changed. After a long time, he said in a low voice,””Human King?”

“Eh, you know me?”

The human King laughed.”We’ve never met before. You have a special look, so I recognized you at first glance. How do you know me?” Is it because I’m too handsome?”


The iron-eating Emperor was both fearful and speechless. You … You are a human King?


Who greeted him like that?

And why are you here?

“Human King … Why is he here?” he asked in a low voice, out of fear.

“Oh, I can’t stay in the four-sided region anymore. The Dragon Lord wants to drive me away. I have no choice!”

He sighed and said,”the Dragon Lord gave me three great worlds of the demon race. I think they are yours. Bull, fire Dolphin, Iron Eagle … It’s just three great worlds, right? then, he drove me…I was short of money, so I had to run away. You don’t mind, do you?”

The iron eater Thearch was a little annoyed, but he quickly calmed down. Those three traitors … Were good!

“It has nothing to do with me…I don’t mind!” He said in a low voice.

The human King smiled and nodded,”that’s good!” By the way, why are you still here? aren’t you going out? Aren’t you afraid of being struck to death here?”

The iron eater Thearch fell silent.

The human King still looked at him curiously and smiled.””Are you a giant panda? There are also giant pandas in my hometown. They’re very cute …”

The iron eater Thearch’s expression changed slightly and he said in a low voice,””Human King must be joking. We, the iron-eating race, are not the same race as those who only know how to eat, drink, and sleep …”

Alright, barely.

In fact, they all had some common bloodline power. However, those guys were completely useless and had degenerated a long time ago. He did not want to be mentioned in the same breath as them.

“Eh, it seems like you know and have seen it before?”

The human King laughed and bared his teeth,”this time, I feel a little closer to you. Do you want to go out and have fun together?” The next time I come back, I’ll kill the Dragon Lord with one strike, and you’ll let me ride you for a round, how about it?”


The iron-eating Thearch was furious!

This guy was indeed as the rumors said, extremely Savage and arrogant. He actually … Actually wanted to ride him!


The human King laughed again.”You look very cute when you’re angry. You’re even more fun than my big cat. The big cat is almost never angry unless its fish is stolen. When you’re angry, your eyes will turn dark …”

The iron eater Thearch almost exploded in anger. If he didn’t know that he couldn’t defeat the other party, he would definitely fight to the death!

The next moment, the human King chuckled and said,””Forget it, I’ll stop joking. Are you going or not? If I go out and see Li Hao, I’ll bring you there. I don’t want to bring a burden with me. Didn’t you work with Li Hao last time? That’s good. That kid has a strong Army now and has a great enmity with the Dragon Lord. If you go, you might be able to help …”

The iron-eating Supreme Emperor was silent for a moment. He had actually considered this and wanted to find Li Hao. After all, Li Hao had killed a large number of Level Seven Supreme emperors of the chaos race, which was why they had a common enemy.

However … He hesitated for a moment and said,””In the outer region, I made a great enemy of some experts a long time ago …”

“Strong? How strong is he?”

“It’s said that there are several rank eights behind him …”


The human King didn’t mind and laughed,”bullying a giant panda?” It’s fine. I’m going out this time to have some fun. Tell me, which one is it? It’s fine if you don’t want to find trouble, but finding trouble … Hehe, I don’t do nameless fights. I won’t go find Li Hao. Just tell me who you have a grudge against. Let’s go find trouble and fight! I have a good reason to do so … This is more in line with my personality!”


The iron-eating Emperor thought that he was joking, but … The human King wasn’t joking at all.

After a long time, the iron eater Thearch was a little shaken. He looked at the human King and said,””I think it’s called the reincarnation realm. It’s said that … There are several rank eight existences, and the realm Lord is a top rank eight expert … Of course, I didn’t look for trouble. It was their people who killed two of my brothers …”

The human King laughed and bared his teeth.”That’s even better … Cough, cough. I didn’t mean it that way. My condolences!” What I meant was that the other party was so despicable. We are all from the same family, and we are all cultivators from the four regions. If he dared to kill your brother, then he is killing my brother … Reincarnation, right? Alright, let’s go find trouble with him and send him into the cycle of reincarnation!”


The iron eater Thearch was completely speechless. ‘You … Do you understand?’

It wasn’t just one level 8 … It could be several!

Furthermore, he was very strong!

He didn’t dare to go out rashly because he was worried that he would be killed if he met the other party. If that happened, there would be no hope of revenge.

But now, this person was going to find trouble directly?

As for the human King, he was extremely excited and worried. The people outside didn’t provoke him, so it wasn’t good for him to provoke them.

Now, she didn’t have to gift the Panda to Li Hao.

Just follow me!

Fishing, I’m an expert.

He was going to use this giant panda to fish … And fight!

The inner world had just advanced to level eight, and still needed a large amount of energy to complete it. It was really like a pillow just as he was about to doze off.

As for the other party’s strength … He would fight first!

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