Constellation Door

Chapter 3304

Chapter 3304: Rain-like Emperor armor (2)

Translator: 549690339


It wasn’t just her. The giant Golden Rat let out a shrill cry as its tail broke off. It turned into a beam of light and disappeared on the spot, heading straight for the Queen!

The White Tiger allowed the six paths of reincarnation fist to land on it, and it used the force of the fist to fly towards the Queen.

The black Tiger was also crazily coughing up blood, and it also flew over!

Kill this guy, kill the queen, kill Li Hao!

This was their only goal right now. Otherwise, the power of the moon would have been able to cut off the chaos Dao. The other party was a rank four and very weak. If they didn’t give her a chance, the Queen wouldn’t be a threat to a rank seven.

However … For such a person to reach the seventh rank was a nightmare for the chaos race!

There was even the threat of his entire clan being exterminated!

Today, even if they had to die Here, they would shatter the moon and kill Li Hao. As long as they could kill these two, it would be worth it even if they were completely annihilated!

At this moment, he couldn’t care less about the Thunder giant or the threat.

When the giant elephant sent a message through its death, telling them that the moon could cut off the Dao of chaos, they knew what to do. The giant elephant was dead, and the balance was broken.

If this stalemate continued … They might still die, and the other Seven Realms would not be able to come to their aid.

Since that was the case … He had to take a gamble before he died!


Take a gamble!

Kill those two!

At this moment, the chess pieces, the Thunder Emperor, and the emptiness all changed color …

They had not expected that at this juncture, the chaos race’s venerable sovereign would be so valiant, so crazy, and so fearless of death!

This … Even many, many humans couldn’t do this.

When a great disaster was imminent, they would fly separately!

If these people really wanted to escape, there was still hope for one or two of them to escape … But at this moment, none of them escaped. They were all fighting with their lives. The four level 7 experts charged at Li Hao at the same time!

They didn’t care if the lightning tribulation struck them or if the Thunder monarch, Dao Qi, and Kong Ji attacked them from behind.

It was as if … He was willing to pay any price to kill those two.

“Stop!” Kong Ji roared.

The six divine fists burst out crazily, no longer caring about anything else. As they burst out, they recovered crazily, again and again … Even if the hair turned white and the foundation and longevity were consumed, he had to keep these guys here!

The Thunder Emperor also let out a fierce roar. Hong long long, countless Thunderbolts frantically struck down from the sky. At this moment, the Thunder Emperor’s expression also changed.

These guys were all crazy.

He was completely crazy!

The others aside, if the Phoenix wanted to escape, there was a chance of it. He couldn’t completely suppress his opponent. He was truly powerful.

However, none of the seventh rank venerable sovereigns had fled.


Li Hao had just killed an elephant and was in a weakened state. The next moment, he felt an endless threat. The suffocating aura of death seemed to completely envelop him.

As for the Queen, the moon she had transformed into had already begun to crack.

The Queen, who had just been smug, could no longer be smug at this moment. Her illusory body appeared, and her eyes revealed a touch of despair.

There was no way to escape!

The four level 7 venerable sovereigns had gone crazy. They were even willing to risk their lives to kill her and Li Hao. She was even more valued than Li Hao. A level 4 venerable sovereign had attracted four level 7 venerable sovereigns to fight with her.

Perhaps … This would be recorded in history?

Silver Moon history?

Or the history of chaos?

At this moment, the Queen laughed. She knew that she was done for. At this point, the four pressures had completely locked onto her. Even the three great Dao universes of the fire wind world, mighty tiger World, and treasure opening world were suppressing her and fixing her in place!

The four powerhouses had not arrived yet, but she was already about to be killed on the spot by this powerful pressure!

The moon was shattering!

Li Hao was also locked on, but it wasn’t as serious. The main target of the four great experts was actually the Queen …

Li Hao actually knew that the Queen’s ability was a threat to everyone, no, to the Beasts of Chaos. But he didn’t expect that it would lead to such a scene. The four great experts didn’t care about their lives and only wanted to kill the queen.

That day, the Earth Dragon Emperor wanted to send out a message even before he died …

At this moment, Li Hao completely understood that this group of Beasts of Chaos was different from the ones he had encountered before. They … Had souls, goals, pursuits, and dreams.

The Dragon Lord had given them all these.


That’s right, for the sake of the race of chaos, to be able to truly establish themselves in the chaos and become the Overlord, these powerful beings of the race of chaos would eliminate a threat like the Queen, a threat to the future, even if it meant death!

Only by taking advantage of her weakness could they immediately eradicate her!

When a fourth rank cut off the seventh Rank’s chaotic force, to the Queen, it was a success and an achievement. To the Chaos Beast, it was a huge threat, even threatening the Dragon Lord’s life.

If Grade 4 could cut off the giant elephant today, then what about Grade 5?

What about the sixth rank?

What about the seventh-rank?

The invincible Dragon Lord might die in the hands of this nameless nobody!





With four fierce roars, a person seemed to have come out of the Christian Church. The chaos was frozen, and the moon was cracking crazily. Countless power of faith overflowed, but it still couldn’t maintain the existence of the moon.

The Queen wasn’t alone. There were trillions of humans in the divine Kingdom.

Once the Queen died, the divine Kingdom would collapse … All of these humans would die.

At this moment, Li Hao’s eyes were cold as he looked around. He had thought that the battle was going smoothly, but these Beasts of Chaos had shattered his fantasies time and time again!

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