Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 673 Memory Sharing

Chapter 673 Memory Sharing

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 19:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Wear this for now." Susan handed her oversized baby-pink-colored pullover to Kane's semi-nude summons.

"Krek keh keke" taking the pullover from Susan, Kane's Summons made a weird noise. Which Kane translated as "She is thanking you for the pullover."

"Don't mention it," Susan replied to Kane's summons with a warm smile, leaving the summons in a daze for a moment before she wore the baggy pullover, which covered all of her curves but left her slender thighs exposed. A green-skinned redhead in a baggy baby pink colored pullover, cute! Except for the long red flower stalk connecting the belly buttons of Kane and his summons.

"Leaving the reasons for her underdeveloped vocal cord and the vine-like placenta connecting you two aside. What do you mean by she took that shape because she knew you would like her that way? Does she have access to your memories or entire mind?" I asked, curious how much in sync the Kane and his summons were. Usually, summoners and summons can feel each other's emotions in real-time, and some can even exchange thoughts mentally. But this was my first time seeing a summons who knew about its summoner down to his preference for a woman when they hadn't known each other for more than a minute.

"She asked permission to share our memories. Since it is just the memories and seeing how she will be my life partner, I didn't mind permitting her. Oh shit! That's how she knew to take this appearance. I am sorry, Master Wyatt. I didn't know this was why she asked permission to share my memories. I should have been more careful." Turns out that when Kane was impregnated with variant Ironwood seed, she asked him permission to share their memories. Kane unwittingly permitted her to share their memories. And that is how she knew to take the appearance of the mother of Kane's bully.

"It is okay. No big deal. Memory sharing is an excellent ability for a summoner and his summons. This way, she can learn about society and adapt to it through your experiences. It has its drawbacks, but it's the quickest way to get her civilized and adapt to the society." Kane's summons taking the appearance of her choice was no big deal. I was worried that she had access to Kane's mind which would be disastrous, but it turns out that it was a summoner skill, Memory Share, an excellent skill for a summoner to train his summons.

"Master Wyatt, what do you mean by drawbacks of memory sharing?" Asked Kane in concern.

"Kane, a person's memories are very powerful. They not only hold the truth to who you are but also the secret to why you are who you are. Various emotions are attached to these memories of yours. For example, memories that make you happy, memories that you hate, memories that you want to cherish, memories that you want to erase, memories that make you laugh, memories that make you cry, etc. Memory sharing doesn't just mean sharing your past but sharing the happiness, fears, trauma, and other emotions that are attached to it.

Over the years, you have grown to control your fears, traumas and handle your depression, but your summons, she is barely half an hour old. What do you think is going on in her head right now? How is her mental health right now? After all, she did experience decades' worth of memories in a matter of minutes. Most of the summons would have broken due to this, but fortunately for you, your summons has displayed high sentience since its creation. But still, I cannot guarantee that she is mentally stable.

What I can tell you for sure is, what you like, she likes it more. What you hate, she hates it more. What you are scared of, she is afraid of it more. What is traumatic for you, is more traumatic for her.

But there is a catch to this, your reaction to your hatred, traumas, and fear will not be her reaction. I mean that she will react differently when faced with a traumatic situation. Because though you two share the same memories, you two are not the same person. You two have different innate individualities and personalities. As your origin card, she is your guardian and is prone to protect you. So what will cause you to flinch will cause her to stand firm.

Therefore, next time when you are in the company of people you hate and fear, be calm and collected. Otherwise, she may go on a killing spree just to make you feel comfortable.

I recommend it would be best for her growth if you let her make her own personal memories." I explained how Memory Sharing could affect Kane's Summons. Considering this summons high sentience, it is a good thing for Kane but for the summons itself, not so much.

"Whoa! If I had known this earlier, I would not have agreed to memory sharing. I don't want her to go through the same pain and trauma I went through." Kane's words were genuine. He really meant what he said. It seems he is already very attached to his summons. Thankfully it is his origin card, and he doesn't have to worry about it getting destroyed unless he is killed. That's okay, as he would rather die than live a life without his new summons. That's how much he is attached to his new summons. I guess the impregnation germination process of the variant seed had a hand in this ungodly bond.

"Dude, how long do you plan to keep showing your unsightly and skinny body? Wear a shirt." Said Corey. And she wasn't wrong. Kane was really skinny. We could make out the outline of his ribcage, shoulder blades, and spine on his skin. It was as if he had no muscle or body fat.

"..." Kane chose to ignore Corey and her snarky remarks. But the same is not true for his summons. She glared at Corey with visibly burning rage in her eyes.

"What are you looking at? You are an origin card meaning you can revive even if you die. Which means I do not have to hold back. So unless you want to make your birthday your first death day, keep at it."


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