Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 664 Ironwood Variant Elder Druid

Chapter 664 Ironwood Variant Elder Druid

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 16:15

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Kane, sorry for the delay. I had to tend to some urgent matters." I apologize to Kane Kaga for the delay.

"It is okay, Master Wyatt. I can understand since it is urgent. It can't be helped. you gotta do what you have to do." Kane nodded in understanding. He was not bothered by the delay without any notice.

"Thank you." Thanking Kane for understanding, I added, "I hope the delinquents that had gathered outside didn't trouble you."

"No, the delinquents were very welcoming once I said I was your customer. While waiting for you, I had a surprisingly good time with them. I never thought that I would ever be friends with delinquents. After all, every delinquent I have met before said that my face resembles that of a punching bag. So being friends with the delinquents was a refreshing experience. Some even taught me how to deal with a bully. And I finally understood why every bully I met earlier said that my face resembled that of a punching bag. I got to stand up for myself. It's that simple." Kane seemed to have had a very educating session with the delinquent from Bright Lions. Well, as long as he was entertained and enjoyed himself. All's good, I guess.

"Oh my god, his face does look like a punching bag." Said Corey, upon sudden realization.

"Corey, you—" Susan wanted to give Corry an earful for her unthoughtful remark but was interrupted by Kane.

"It's okay, Miss Susan. I can handle this. Corey, a punching bag is better than being mistaken for a two-dollar whore." The influence of the delinquents on Kane was progressive. He seems to be more aggressively confident during the confrontation and fights his battles. But there was a problem that the delinquents of Bright Lions didn't teach him about picking his opponents and battles. Somebody of Corey's caliber who could slap him to death was not in the same league as the street delinquents.

"Whoa!" The woman folk in the warehouse felt Kane took it too far with the two-dollar whore remark.

Corey rushed to Kane and lifted him by his collar, and asked, "What did you say to me?"

"Corey put him down. Don't forget who started it." I ordered Corey. Hearing that, she glared at me with a fierce gaze. As if asking, 'Who the heck are you to order me?'

"Now!" I said sternly, establishing my authority over Corey. Following my words, Corey put Kane down but yelled, "I am not apologizing to this son of bitch."

I did not plan on having Corey apologize to Kane. Having her yield to my words was a big win, " Kane, buddy. You need more sessions before taking on some of Corey's caliber. How about you join us at the Bright Lions party tonight."

"Really, I can come to the party. I thought it was only for the members of Bright Lions." Kane had heard about the party from the delinquents. He wanted to attend it, but since it was exclusively for the members of the Bright Lion gang, he couldn't and was disappointed.

"Yes. After all, half-assed knowledge will only help you get in trouble. So come to the party." I invited Kane to the party as I really believed that he would get himself killed if we didn't learn to pick his battles.

"Thank you. I will attend the party. And use it as an opportunity to show off my badass origin card soon to be made." Kane said enthusiastically. The damage done by Corey was taken care of with an invite to the party.

"Okay, now let's continue from where we left off." Saying that I turn to Susan.

"Here's the card, and I have already planted an Ironwood seed in a big earth pot. For you to conduct your experiment without any hindrance." Explained Susan as she handed me the D-rank Rare grade arborist occupation card.

[Card Name: Arborist

Card Type: Occupation card

Card Rank: D-Rank, Rare grade

Card Rate: 11-stars

Card Durability: [82/100]

Card Effect: When equipped, the user gains the knowledge of someone trained in the physical maintenance and manipulation of trees.

Additional effect: Nurture, Growth light.

Note: Not to be used on humans. Card effect limited to rare grade and below trees]

Nurture: The user can use their soul energy to help the tree's growth.

Note: Not to be used on humans.

Growth Light: The user can use this light to help trees heal deep cuts and fight parasites.

Note: Not to be used on humans.

The experiment Susan spoke of was for me to observe the soul pathway and arrangement changes in an Ironwood seed as it grows into a matured tree. I not only had to monitor the soul pathway and arrangement changes during the Ironwood tree's growth but also how it produces flowers for pollination.

In the end, I had to record every soul pathway change in the ironwood tree to use an ironwood seed as a base to grow a variant of the elder druid seen in Vivian's origin card, the forbidden garden. Of course, all of this data collected would be recorded and stored by Hive AI for me to compare the soul pathway and arrangement chances in both the Ironwood tree and Vivian's elder druid.

Growing the Ironwood tree into a variant of elder druid was not a challenge, just tiresome. The real challenge was making use of Vivian's blood rule meaning to give the Ironwood variant elder druid the ability to morph into various forms based on the blood it devoured.

If the Blood rule meaning need here were mine, it wouldn't be a challenge. The complication was that it belonged to a third party. How do I overcome this? One way would be for me to comprehend the required Blood clone meaning of the Blood rule, but that would be hectic and time-consuming. Another way and the preferable way would be to get Vivian to join and help me during the origin card creation.


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