Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 395 - Chapter 395: Big Wound

Chapter 395: Big Wound

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The special names of galaxies often represented their unique meaning. Compared to ordinary numbered galaxies or galaxies that were simply named after people, the Wound Galaxy was undoubtedly a classic example.

This was an extremely special place. There might be a unique cosmic landscape in the universe—the Great Rift.

Several huge subspace rifts cut through the cosmic space here. In addition to these large subspace rifts that could be discovered with the naked eye from a considerable distance, there were also countless small subspace rifts here.

There was no lack of tiny cracks that could not be observed with the naked eye and could only be detected by instruments. To the living beings in this universe, these tiny cracks were like hidden traps. If they were not careful, they would fall into them and then get lost in the sub-space, never to return.

These subspace rifts of different sizes were like the wounds in this universe, constantly losing life essence from here, hence the name Wound.

As for the Exiled civilization, there was very little research on these subspace rifts. When they first started out in this galaxy, there had never been any abnormalities in these wounds.

Although the environment was very dangerous and there were many subspace rifts, as long as one did not enter this galaxy, they would not be threatened by these rifts.

These things were fixed. They were here and would not move casually.

In the past, the Exiled civilization rarely took the initiative to study this place and chose it as the starting point of the Hell Defense Line. Apart from being on the edge of the galaxy, they also valued the rather dangerous cosmic environment here. If they could build a space fortress here, it would be equivalent to a castle on a cliff, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

And now, they had chosen to come here again to find the parts that were useful to their circulation technology.

They felt that they had reached their limits before. They were no match for the Hunter or even the Silent Empire. All they lacked was luck.

“…Although I really don’t want to do as those guys say, we have no choice now. If we can’t make a breakthrough in Recycling Technology, we will never be able to defeat the Hunter. We will only be pulled further and further away by them…”

A top scientist of the Exiled arrived at the Wound Galaxy under layers of escort. He looked at the huge rifts that were like the wounds of the universe from afar, but he was still indignant.

The scientist beside him consoled him.

“Let’s get over it. After all, we’re indeed behind them. There’s nothing wrong with borrowing the help of some external objects. This might be able to significantly shorten the gap between us and them…”

This scientist spoke very sincerely, but the scientist who was comforted was unhappy.

“When have we ever lagged behind others? Those guys, including the civilization that brought us here, are all stronger than us because they were lucky and formed their lives early.”

“If we were born in the same era as them, it’s hard to say who would be the Exiled! A group of lucky fellows…”

His attitude seemed to be quite intense. The fragrance in his words almost scolded all the civilizations that were stronger than them.

However, the other scientist was not angry. Instead, he suggested that he take the initiative to control his emotions so that it would not affect future scientific research.

Then, this agitated scientist quickly calmed down and placed his focus on the huge crack in the galaxy.

Strictly speaking, the Wound Galaxy didn’t have a gravitational source. There were no celestial bodies here, and the subspace rift itself didn’t have mass. The reason why it could be discovered on the interstellar space scale was that there was an extremely obvious spatial abnormality here.

At this moment, there was a huge planet-like space fortress in the galaxy, as well as a large number of light-colored areas.

Those light-colored areas were where the subspace rifts were located. These subspace rifts were very similar to Black Holes. They would absorb all light that entered them. In theory, it was impossible to observe them with the naked eye.

However, when the light entered the subspace rift, it seemed to undergo an incomprehensible nature change, just like the accretion disk of the Black Hole, causing the light to explode with energy before completely entering the subspace rift.

This energy was dispersed in the form of visible light, forming a light-colored area that was different from the surrounding brightness in the dark space. It could be seen with the naked eye.

However, only large subspace rifts could be observed in this way. Those small subspace rifts seemed to have very little energy to explode and transform into new light rays, so they were difficult to detect. They could only be determined by specialized instruments.

“…Okay, let’s go to the fortress here and rest for a while. I remember that the fortress here is different from other places. When we first built it, we considered the research needs of these subspace rifts. There are roughly complete research zones among them, but we don’t know if they can meet our current requirements. We still need to confirm…”

One of the scientists was planning how to study the subspace rifts on the space fortress, but at this moment, an unexpected guest suddenly appeared.

The reaction of the detector showed that it was a high-energy object. The huge energy fluctuation was like a star coming here.

However, it was actually a battleship. It was a luminous battleship that was visible to the naked eye. It was made of pure energy, and its translucent body emitted a faint light. The structure of the battleship was clearly visible on this translucent body.

It was difficult to understand why such a pure energy battleship had to maintain the appearance of a battleship and not just a large ball of light. However, this was not the most important consideration for the Exiled here.

What they should be most concerned about now was why the Silent Empire’s warship was here.

This kind of pure energy battleship was the symbol of the Silent Empire. The battleships of this civilization never came within ten light-years of the Hell Defense Line, let alone directly entering a certain section of the Hell Defense Line.

But now, not only did the Silent Empire come, but they were also not so the Silent for the first time and initiated a communication with them.

The contents of the communication made them fall silent.

[Have you been bewitched by something? Why did you choose to study this place?]

[We rarely talk, but it’s different this time. This is indeed a place you can’t set foot in now.]

[Hurry up and go back..]

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