Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 387 - Chapter 387: Dust Settled

Chapter 387: Dust Settled

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Void Lord had disappeared, completely disappearing from this universe along with its space-time ghost.

It was hard to say that the spatial distortion that suddenly erupted was triggered by it. Li Wenyuan had never seen such a ferocious space-time ghost.

Perhaps in the eyes of the universe, these void lifeforms were far more dangerous than lifeforms from the previous universe like the Firechaser or the Ether Dragons.

This was the first time he had seen how the universe forcefully erased the unstable factors. This also made him think. If similar things happened to him, could he have a solution?

This universe was clearly quite intelligent. Or rather, it had some kind of mechanism that could clean up things outside the universe.

Li Wenyuan now suspected that there was something like a universe brain somewhere dealing with and carrying out these actions. Otherwise, it was really difficult to explain why the universe itself could do such a thing.

However, although the Void Lord had disappeared, the biological tissue that evolved from part of its body was still on the Observation Terminal, including the satellite formed by the cuticle. It was still revolving around the planet normally.

These were the normal parts. They were biological shells made by the Hunter based on the need to accommodate the void. They were existences recognized by the universe.

The Void Eggs that hadn’t hatched yet didn’t suffer the settlement of the universe. Perhaps as long as they didn’t hatch and produce a lot of metabolism and cosmic anomalies, the universe wouldn’t be able to detect their existence.

As for the other Void Evils that had hatched but had yet to be eliminated, they were also cleaned up by the space-time ghost. However, this at least let Li Wenyuan know one of the effects of the current space-time ghost phenomenon.

Queen Presolin, who was still trying her best to chase and eliminate the Void Evil, had also witnessed a group of Void Evils vanish before her eyes. The sudden outcome left her at a loss.

“Is this… the end?” She still found it unbelievable, as if she couldn’t imagine that the hounds who had chased them in the past had really died just like that.

After the nightmare dissipated, what it brought was not joy, but emptiness.

This was because the dead compatriots wouldn’t be resurrected from the dead because of the Void Evil. They were really the last batch of Presolin now.

“…At the very least, there’s still the culprit, the Hunter… and the return to my former home waiting for me…”

The Queen quickly adjusted her mentality and drove the emptiness out of her heart. She knew that her homeland must have been destroyed by the Hunter, but no matter what, she had to go back and take a look.

This was the greatest wish of their race ever since they became Presolin. It was also their lifelong pursuit. Even though they had already calmed down and started farming, the fire of this wish had never been extinguished.

Meanwhile, in another galaxy, the Ether Dragons had also witnessed the disappearance of the Void Evil. Although her anger had mostly calmed down after killing many Void Evils, she still couldn’t help but feel a little melancholic at this moment.

Originally, she might have been able to find her comrades here, but now, all of this had turned into a dream with the appearance of the Void Evil.

It was easier said than done to find the few remaining compatriots who would suffer from dimensional erosion in such a huge universe. The one she had encountered so far was only the one closest to her.

And she had already missed this opportunity. She felt that she would not have another chance in the future.

“…Forget it. At least I still have those children…”

Thinking of the lava eggs that were about to hatch, the Ether Dragon’s mood became slightly better. The worry of being alone also lessened.

Therefore, she shook her head and flew back to the place where she first came. She would wait there for the Administrator to pick her up.

Everything in this galaxy seemed to have been settled. The megacorps that ruled this place had been destroyed under the infiltration of the Assimilation Fighters, leaving behind a group of “like-minded” artificial forms.

They were connected by the mental network, and there was no longer a huge difference between them. Furthermore, under the targeted “education” of the Assimilation Fighters, even the directors were glowing in their basic positions, not wasting any of them.

As for the ancient Sentry Organization, they had already come to a conclusion. They hadn’t really lasted until today. The Sentry that was circulating in the megacorp was just an opening deliberately released by the company’s higher-ups to capture people who really dared to resist the company.

The real Sentry Organization had perished when the Hunter invaded. They didn’t leave behind too many legacies, but they tried their best to fight to the last moment, regardless of whether they still existed.

The hidden dangers left in the galaxy—the Void Egg—had all entered hibernation and become materials to study the Super Evolution and the essence of the void.

As for the Hunter who had once invaded this place, he was also missing for some reason and couldn’t return. However, according to the Void Lord, this Observation Terminal seemed to have a backup plan left behind by the Hunter. Perhaps he could find the Hunter’s whereabouts.

The matter seemed to have been resolved, but the most fundamental reason for Li Wenyuan’s arrival had just begun.

He was here to search for traces of humans. Now that he had the Observation Terminal, he could quickly find the Purification Terminal here.

According to past experience, only this place was the most hidden, safest, and most suitable for keeping records.

Before the Void Lord disappeared, he sent out an extremely complicated and incomprehensible signal. The specific content of this signal could only be decrypted with the help of the central processing unit after he returned to the spiral galaxy.

Since he had sent his main consciousness here, he naturally had to wait until he saw the information left behind by humans before returning to the spiral galaxy.

Therefore, through the scanning of the Observation Terminal, Li Wenyuan quickly found the target’s Purification Terminal. On this well-disguised giant gas planet, he found a monument hidden in the planet’s atmosphere.

Humans always seem to like to use monumental buildings to keep records. Maybe they find it ritualistic.

After connecting to the miniature database in the monument, Li Wenyuan also learned the secret of humans coming here.

[…It’s come to this again. Are you always looking forward to this segment?]

[Professor has something to do and went to other galaxy clusters, so I’ll keep the records here..]

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