Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 373 - Chapter 373: Completely Defeated Beasts

Chapter 373: Completely Defeated Beasts

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A black fleet suddenly stopped in front of the Void Evil that was still chasing after food, but it did not attack first. Instead, it faced the Void Evil directly, as if it was waiting for the other party to attack first.

This fleet was naturally the fleet that Li Wenyuan had deployed to this galaxy. The artificial intelligence system on it followed Li Wenyuan’s orders. It was not focused on extermination but on research and testing.

The unique anti-thermodynamic nature of the Void Evil was the source of Li Wenyuan’s intense interest. He was not interested in how this creature was hatched, nor was he interested in how strong its combat strength was. He was only concerned about the cause of this wonderful nature and whether these lifeforms could contact the Hunter.

The former could help him more fully understand the unbelievable phenomenon of anti-regulation, while the latter could help him determine the location of the Hunter.

Hence, the fleets that warped to the various galaxies did not attack. At most, they sent drones to lure the Void Evils.

These Void Evils didn’t seem to have much intelligence, which didn’t match their size. Basically, no creature that could reach the level of a planetary lifeform would have a brain defect.

However, the Void Evils were clearly behaving like wild beasts. They first bared their fangs and brandished their claws at the fleet, and even the wings on their bodies were trying their best to grow, as if they were acting as a deterrent.

This very primitive action was dutifully recorded by the Al on board the ship, and it gave a preliminary judgment: Void Evil might still retain some primitive biological habits.

At the same time as the judgment, a large number of signals of various natures began to play to the Void Evil, including simulated psionic signals.

However, the Void Evil did not react to most signals. Although it would be triggered by the psionic signal, it was not an act of communication. Instead, it showed a strange bloodthirsty excitement like a hunting dog that had smelled its prey.

This further led the Al onboard to conclude that the Void Evil might not have intelligence, or that the vast majority of known individuals did not have intelligence. Apart from their instincts, they might only follow the instructions of the Hunter.

Seeing that the intimidation did not work, the Void Evil attacked directly. To it, these battleships were obstacles that prevented it from eating its fill.

Its shell-covered body began to expand visibly, as if it was inhaling. After a while, its body became 1.5 times larger than before, but its shell still maintained a tight seam, as if it had changed along with its size.

The next moment, the expanding body began to shrink rapidly. The acid that emitted a green light shot out, flying towards the intercepting fleet at a turtle-like speed.

It was indeed turtle speed. Compared to those attacks that could easily move at the speed of light or faster than light, this method of using pressure to attack was really too slow. Even an old granny could dodge it if she drove a spaceship.

It was hard to imagine that such a primitive attack method would appear on a creature with anti-thermodynamics. In an instant, the mystery of the Void Evil disappeared.

However, the Al on the ship would not have such thoughts. After confirming that the acidic liquid that slowly flew over was the attack method of the Void Evil, the Al faithfully welcomed an escort fleet and prepared to test the strength of this attack.

However, what was unexpected was that the acid attack evaporated the moment it touched the high-energy shield.

High energy was the first line of defense of the shield. This layer of high-energy particles would disintegrate objects that came into contact with it as much as possible. Usually, this was used to deal with native civilizations. The goal was to make the native civilizations stop resisting fearlessly because interstellar civilizations could basically easily let weapons penetrate this layer of high-energy particles.

After the high-energy particle layer was the deflection of the shield’s own cubic space, and this was the main protective function of the shield.

However, the acid attack of the Void Evil could not even break through the high-energy shield layer on the periphery. In other words… its attack was no different from the attack of the native civilization.

This contrast even caused the spaceships’ artificial intelligence to shut down for a moment. Even the recording equipment that was prepared in advance did not come in handy because the acid evaporated too quickly.

Seeing that its strongest attack had no effect, the Void Evil instinctively felt that something was wrong and began to plan to escape.

The Al intercepting the fleet also came back to its senses and continued to carry out its mission.

[Next is the test of resistance, the test of the composition of the exoskeleton, and the test of the patience of various weapons…]

Continuing the process that had already been set up, a red laser shot hit the Void Evil that was trying to escape. In an instant, a huge hole was melted in its carapace. While smoking, it also burned its internal body, causing the Void Evil to twitch in pain. Its huge front jaw kept opening and closing as if it was complaining about pain.

This situation caused the battleship’s artificial intelligence to shut down again because this red laser was the least powerful of the battleship’s conventional weapons. It was even a weapon from the early exploration stage of interstellar civilization. It was enough to house an old fogey in a museum in Milky Way.

The power of the red laser could instantly heat the contact point to about 20,000 degrees. This temperature could not even burn through Presolin’s skin, but it directly caused visual damage to the Void Evil. This caused the ship’s artificial intelligence record to miscalculate again.

In the end, the artificial intelligence took out a kind of mining cutting beam from the battleship’s carrier before it could barely withstand the Void Evil and carried out a series of analyses.

The pitiful Void Evil was surrounded by a group of battleships and carrier aircraft to study it. In order to prevent it from moving, even its wings were broken.

Similar scenes played out in many parts of the galaxy. Almost all the Void Evils that were stopped by the fleet were treated like this. After all, the experimental data needed enough samples to support it.

The rest of the Void Evils had become the prey of the Ether Dragon and Presolin respectively, welcoming a reversal of their position in the cubic space.

Perhaps because they felt that it was not satisfying to dig up the Void Eggs, the Ether Dragon decided to take the initiative to hunt the Void Evils that had already hatched.

At this moment, she was breathing out a dragon breath that was neither hot nor cold. Bit by bit, she was roasting the Void Evil that had its wings broken and embedded in the planet. She vowed to let the other party experience the pain that her race had suffered.

Although the Void Evil seemed to be ridiculously weak, the Ether Dragon simply understood it as her own strength.

As for Queen Presolin and her personal guards, they also encountered a group of Void Evils head-on. However, Presolin, who had powerful psionic power, easily defeated these Void Evils that had just been born. They were chased away in groups.

However, unlike the Ether Dragon, Queen Presolin remained vigilant against these void lifeforms.

The Void Evil in her memory should not be that weak. However, the bite and the sound of broken shells told her that these Void Evil were a group of extremely weak space lifeforms.

This situation did not make her relax. Instead, it made her feel that there was something strange about the current Void Evil. Hence, she transmitted her concerns to the other civilizations, lifeforms, and the Administrator outside the galaxy, hoping to alert them at least a little.

However, the number of Void Evils that were decreasing and showing a one-sided trend seemed to be about to become completely defeated beasts.

Up until now, they only had one carrier aircraft sent up to test the bite force, and a Presolin warrior who sprained his waist because he was too excited.

It was hard to compare them to the hounds of the Hunter civilization that destroyed the galaxy.

So are they really that weak?

In a place where no one was paying attention, the shell of the Void Evil that was burned by the laser was recovering in a strange way. The charred body under the dragon’s breath was giving birth to a new shell. In the space that was being chased, the influence of psionic energy on the Void Evil operation was also slightly weakening.

They were evolving in a strange and firm way, and this seemed to be the source of their strength..

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