Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 366 - Chapter 366: The Real Sentry Organization

Chapter 366: The Real Sentry Organization

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The destruction of the Corporate Empire was so sudden that the alien land movement and colonization discovery that they had once hoped for became completely delusional.

The social structure of the megacorp itself had long been shaped by high-tech technology and long-term cultural infection. It was also extremely stable. Under normal circumstances, it was enough to prevent the megacorp itself from collapsing.

It was better to say that after entering the interstellar space era, the political system was no longer that important. Even the imperial system had its own unique characteristics.

All of this was because the rapid advancement of technology had directly covered up the drawbacks brought about by the system. Normally speaking, an interstellar civilization formed by this method would gradually decay and collapse even with the help of science for a long time.

However, the megacorp here was able to maintain its empire for such a long time because of external factors—the super-advanced help given by the Hunter civilization.

They helped the megacorp unify the entire galaxy and gave them technology that was enough to maintain a stable rule.

The return that happened once every 100 years intimidated those who wanted to resist. As time passed, the sparks of resistance here became weaker and weaker, and there were no more waves.

However, since external assistance allowed the megacorp to stabilize, external interference could also cause it to fall into chaos.

The stability that had lasted long enough had already worn down the vigilance of the megacorp. They were more focused on how to continue preventing internal rebellions. They had never considered enemies from the outside.

In addition, the Assimilation Fighters’ technological level was not low, and their infiltration ability was their forte. Therefore, this huge Corporate Empire collapsed without anyone knowing.

“You’ve basically controlled the entire corporate galaxy?”

Two million light-years away, Li Wenyuan received a message from the Assimilation Fighters. Although he was a little surprised by their speed, he did not react much.

Previously, the Assimilation Fighters had learned from the infiltrators on the board of directors that the Hunter civilization had not returned there for a long time, and they had brought this news to Li Wenyuan. According to speculation, they seemed to be trapped somewhere.

This made Li Wenyuan feel more at ease with the galaxy under the control of the megacorp. After the complete collapse of the Servant Megacorp, their possible means of communication with the Hunter civilization would no longer be effective.

What was left over there were the ruins of humans and the Void Eggs that had yet to hatch.

As the original megacorp didn’t grasp the method to control the Void Evil, they always began the last step of the incubation process after the Hunter returned.

Before that, no matter how well-developed the Void Egg was, it wouldn’t hatch. This gave the Assimilation Fighters enough time to study it.

Currently, the Assimilation Fighters’ main focus was on dealing with the Void Eggs that covered the entire galaxy.

[According to the information we extracted from the company, there are currently 2,500 Void Eggs in the critical state of incubation. There are more than 10,000 Void Eggs in the other growth stages. There might be some that have yet to be recorded.]

[The Void Egg, which is currently in a critical state of incubation, has stopped growing under the effects of the inhibitor injected by the megacorp. However, if there’s a need, we can also stop the injection and let the Void Evils hatch.]

[In addition, we’ve also gained an understanding of the megacorp’s control over the Void Evil. In theory, it can indeed achieve some control effects, but it can’t compare to the price it has to pay.]

Li Wenyuan had also seen the megacorp’s method of controlling the Void Evil, but he quickly skipped this method.

This biological weapon from the Hunter civilization was originally impossible to control with the methods of the megacorp, but after a long time, the Corporate Empire still discovered that psionic energy could exert a slight influence on this biological weapon.

Hence, the Psionites that were already scarce here were implicated. Almost everyone with any special performance was captured for experiments.

However, Psionites were basically impossible to replicate. They were related to the spiritual world of life.

After researching for so long, the megacorp had only managed to create a low-level psionic amplifier. It was a one-time-use item that required the consumption of a long-accumulated psionic.

This was their deciding item, but they didn’t have the chance to use it now, nor would they have the chance to use it in the future.

Li Wenyuan naturally did not need such inefficient psionic products.

“Although psionic energy seems to be able to exert some influence on the Void Evil, can they really be controlled so easily?”

Li Wenyuan was deeply suspicious of the so-called control of megacorp.

The relevant control experiments in the corporate records could not be said to be nonexistent, but they were also very rare. Moreover, none of them controlled the true Void Evil.

Most of the subjects of the experiment were the Void Egg, and they could only determine that psionic energy could affect the Void Birth Evil by the reaction of the Void Egg to psionic energy.

In reality, in the universe, it was very difficult for psionic power to reach the level of mind control. Moreover, the more complicated the lifeforms, the harder it was to control them.

Take Presolin for example. They were not affected by psionic energy at all, and they could even use weak psionic energy to communicate.

This way, there was even less of a need to mention the Void Evil. Li Wenyuan felt that perhaps only a Hunter knew how to control such a terrifying lifeform.

[But I’m sorry, we haven’t found any more information about humans and the Hunter from the company. Currently, we’re trying to find results from the connection between the company and the Sentry Organization, but this might not be useful.]

[The Corporate Empire has controlled this place for so long and even infiltrated the Sentry to the point of being full of loopholes. If the Sentry Organization really had any secrets, they should have been discovered long ago.]

This was also an expected result. Li Wenyuan didn’t expect to find the information he wanted through these civilizations. The most direct source of information was still the Purification Terminal.


“Is there no news about the Al Planet?”

[Yes, the company did not consider the possibility that there might still be foreign planets like the Observation Terminal and the Purification Terminal in the galaxy.]

[The Hunter didn’t tell them much about the galaxy, and they didn’t know where the Hunter went.]

[Perhaps we can only hope for luck.]

Such a huge megacorp actually didn’t know anything about the Al Planet. This made Li Wenyuan feel a little troubled.

He had thought that he could get enough useful information from the company, but now, he could only rely on the only methods he had.

Just as he was about to build a new prediction interface in that galaxy, the Voyager suddenly sent a special message to Li Wenyuan despite the extremely high delay.

[Found the real Sentry Organization.]

“The real Sentry Organization?” Li Wenyuan was a little stunned. The Voyager said that he had discovered the real Sentry Organization. Then, what was the one that had been infiltrated by the megacorp?

He wanted to ask, but due to the delay, he could only wait for the Voyager’s news.

At this moment, in that distant galaxy, a huge broken beacon-shaped megastructure was floating in the space of a galaxy in a corner.

The light that should have been bright had long been extinguished, but the scars carved on its body by time were still quite clear.

The Voyager’s drone scanned the megastructure of this lighthouse. Some of them had already gone deep into the building, sending wave after wave of images back to the research spaceship that was working there.

On the spaceship, the synthetic humanoid of the Voyager stared at the screen intently, not letting go of any details.

“This seems to be a refuge. Is it a border post? Guidance to the lighthouse?”

A certain Voyager analyzed the use of the dust-covered equipment he saw and compared it to the decorative patterns on the megastructure of the lighthouse, giving the answer that this megastructure belonged to the destroyed Sentry Organization.

“The civilization behind this megastructure is the real sentient. The one in this galaxy now? Don’t joke around. At most, it only inherited a name. Flipping through the history of their organization can only be traced back to 7,000 years ago. There are still many suspicious points.”

Another Voyager scientist who was following the spaceships commented on the current Sentry Organization coldly, but his eyes never left the megastructure of the lighthouse.

This was the first time they had discovered ruins directly related to the ancient Sentry Organization. He felt that this fish-that-escaped-the-net building could provide them with a lot of information.

It was also at this time that the drone scanning the interior of the megastructure made a special discovery.

“Eh, this thing…”

It was an item hidden in a corner, covered by a large pile of trash. If not for the drone detecting a weak sub-space fluctuation, it would be difficult to find anything special here.

When the drone pried open the pile of trash and exposed the hidden thing in front of everyone, all the Voyagers present revealed incredulous expressions.

It was a cylindrical box that was sealed. It looked only as tall as a normal adult human, but one could see the starlight inside through the box’s seal.

The real starlight was the light emitted by the fusion reaction of the star.

The direct observation was quickly blocked by the distortion of the sub-space field, and the starlight emitted from the inside of the box also disappeared, leaving only an ordinary box that looked like nothing.

However, this was just a trick to protect himself. The Voyager, who had used similar products, knew that this was a Miniature Galaxy.

Li Wenyuan used it to pack up the galaxy and take it away, but the one left here seemed to be for protection..

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