Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 3313 - Growing Ever Stronger

Chapter 3313 - Growing Ever Stronger

At the very least, Tianming was much stronger in Infinitum thanks to the omnisentient threads.

"Did you offend someone at Myriadpath Valley?" Fengqing Youmeng asked.

"Don't ask too much, and don't be too happy that I got into trouble. If you don't do as I say, I can promise you that Skydome will suffer for it," Tianming said.

"Who's happy? I'm just worried about you, you cold-hearted man. Hmph," she said with a pout. "I'll do what you say. Don't worry."

Since the situation was pretty unlikely to begin with, Tianming had only casually brought it up. If someone really did come, they would have to go to Wondrium to ask about him.

Soon, Tianming reached the Sun. The Galactic Emperor had returned a year since his last appearance. The moment he emerged from the Xenoworld and stepped onto the Sun, countless omnisentient threads linked to his astrons!

Unlike before, most of them had come from other, more distant worlds instead of just the Sun and Ebonia! There were even some that came all the way from Greensource, which was located next to the destroyed Viridian.

I had a combined total of a quadrillion threads when I left the last time, but now.... Tianming closed his eyes. His body glowed bright as he rose into the space between Ebonia and the Sun. He saw a gigantic net of black-and-gold threads spanning the mundus, with him at the center.

Terrifying energy flowed through his body. Most of the threads from distant stars were from pre-ascendants. But as their number was tens of times that of Ebonia, they still contributed just as much as the threads from gods there!

Most of the population in Infinitum were from heliacal-class worlds. The mundus had a thousand star clusters, with ten thousand stars in each. In total, there were ten million heliacal-class worlds, each of them with a trillion lifeforms living on them. While most of them were mortals, all of them gathered together could give rise to something formidable. A hundred worlds alone had enough people to match Ebonia's population, let alone ten million.

Tianming couldn't even count how many omnisentient threads he had in total. At the very least, it was a hundred quadrillion or more! Even if every single world only had a few thousand believers, the total number was still astronomical.

"If the worlds were closer together, I might be ten times stronger!" Distance did shave away at the power of the Galactic Emperor, but as long as the numbers were high enough, he would be insanely powerful no matter where in Infinitum he was.

"How did my omnisentient threads increase so much in only one year?" It was at least a hundred times their previous number! Though his combat capabilities hadn’t skyrocketed, they had still risen considerably.

The omnisentient threads had a resonant effect. Tianming could see through the eyes of his believers, while they could also feel his presence, hear his words, and see what he was doing! It was just like being next to one's personal god. When a subject felt that sensation, they would spread word of his miracle to the people around them. In small numbers, that was negligible, but at the scale of an entire mundus, the omnisentient threads were able to spread like wildfire just like the red dust had.

Tianming believed that Xiaodao and Wudi's efforts in expanding the Tianming Dynasty had a lot to do with the increase. Communication across Infinitum was rapidly improving. Many skypiercer and heliacal-class worlds felt like they belonged to the dynasty more and more. Any world that was within the dynasty's control knew that their ruler was Tianming, someone who wasn’t even a hundred years old!

"Godfather, Old Lin!" Tianming met the two of them at the Sun.

"Are you feeling the effects? We've been rebuilding the Sun and Ebonia over the past year and also strengthening our management over other worlds. There's a shrine and delegation on every single world in the mundus," Xiaodao said.

As expected, it was thanks to their efforts. "I feel it!"

"That's good." Xiaodao noticed Fengqing Youmeng and said, "Thanks to Miss Youmeng's help, we were easily able to go to those worlds with the aid of wonderians."

"Is that so?" Tianming looked at her.

"Hmph." She crossed her arms over her chest and pretended to ignore him.

"Alright, I'll give praise where praise is due," Tianming said.

"That's more like it," she said.

Ying Huo was perched on Tianming's shoulder. "Looks like your real mount is her. She's letting you ride her as you soar ever higher toward the heavens."

Fengqing Youmeng blushed. "You're good at flattery, aren’t you?"

Tianming grimaced at the thought that Ying Huo's ramblings counted as flattery. It had just called her a mount!

"Things are in order on the Sun and Ebonia. Don't worry and leave it to us. Miss Youmeng also finished setting up the markers near Viridian. Once you've found out more about the incident at Myriadpath Valley, you should go there to investigate yourself. It sounds to me like you won't be able to cultivate in peace unless the matter is solved," Wudi said. He was trying hard to make it as smooth as possible for Tianming to grow powerful enough to start looking for the Ancient Oldgod Domain in the Xenoabyss.

"Myriadpath Valley?" Tianming helplessly shook his head and told Yin Chen to fetch Li Fan.

The specter soon arrived. Seeing the radiant glow coming from Tianming, he couldn't help but feel like he had to worship him. "Well, tell me. What kind of glorious achievements did you achieve in a short year at Myriadpath Valley? Did you get more kegs of springwater? I'm ready. No matter how insane your achievements are this time, you won't surprise me."

"Are you sure?" Tianming asked.

"Of course. You can't go higher than minor pathkeeper at your age."

"Well, there's one label that's even more notorious than that of a minor pathkeeper."

"No way! I've never heard of that in the thousand years I've been there!" Li Fan was certain, but he had been shocked before, so he still seemed a little careful. "So what is it?"

"I've become the top fugitive of Myriadpath Valley," Tianming said with a smirk.

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