Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1149 - Chapter 1149: Chapter 1149 Royal Guards

Chapter 1149: Chapter 1149 Royal Guards

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In this mysterious and ancient canyon, a colossal portal, shimmering with an otherworldly light, slowly cracked open on the peak of a towering mountain.

Suspended in mid-air, it resembled a gateway to an unknown realm.

Deep within the valley below, a formidable Beastman army arrayed in disciplined formations awaited their orders.

These warriors, clad in heavy armor and brandishing menacing weapons, exuded an aura of unwavering resolve.

As the sound of the portal groaning open echoed across the valley, every orc turned their gaze upward, anticipation coursing through their ranks.

However, they remained blissfully unaware that what awaited them on the other side wasn’t a returning comrade, but an unforeseen adversary.

The portal yawned open, releasing a surge of potent energy that threatened to tear apart the fabric of reality itself.

The orcs, sensing this terrifying aura, felt a tremor of fear grip their hearts. Yet, they held their ground, prepared to confront whatever emerged.

The Dragonkin leader, his imposing form adorned in crimson scales and wielding a formidable spear, stood stoic as he observed the portal’s unfolding. His gaze was suddenly broken by the sight of a colossal Dark Poison Dragon lumbering through the swirling gateway.

Atop its broad back, a human figure from the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom—Lu Yu—surveyed the scene with resolute eyes.

Seated firmly on the dragon’s massive back, Lu Yu exuded an air of unwavering control. With a flick of his wrist, the Dark Poison Dragon unfurled its wings and descended with the fury of a blazing meteor, its descent aimed directly at the unsuspecting orc army.

The colossal beast unleashed a horrifying roar, its razor-sharp maw snapping open to unleash a torrent of emerald venom. This wasn’t your average liquid, but a lethal poison—a nightmarish concoction that rained down like a relentless storm, corroding and dissolving everything in its path.

Panic seized the orcs as they witnessed the monstrous dragon descending from the heavens and the overwhelming deluge of venom. Their desperate attempts to evade were in vain; the poison’s speed was anathema to escape. In a blink, a significant portion of the orc army was engulfed by the toxic downpour.

Those unfortunate souls met a gruesome end. Their bodies, ravaged by the potent venom, swiftly dissolved into a grotesque amalgamation of pus and blood.

The poison continued its relentless spread, an ever-expanding sea of death that devoured life with horrifying efficiency.

The mighty Dragonkin leader, witnessing the carnage unfold before him, felt any desire to fight evaporate.

He glared at Lu Yu, his voice laced with fury, “This Poison Dragon’s size is unnatural! That wretched Kane has failed me! Utterly useless, wasting time and resources! In the end, his efforts yielded nothing!”

A heavy sigh escaped his lips. The decimation of his army dealt a crippling blow, a truth he couldn’t deny despite his rage. With a resigned turn, he opted for retreat.

Lu Yu, his gaze locked onto the retreating Dragonkin—a peculiar amalgamation of human and dragon—felt a surge of curiosity. This rare race piqued his interest.

With a swift command, Lu Yu sent the Dark Poison Dragon diving downward. His left hand transformed, morphing into a powerful Dragon Claw imbued with explosive energy.

He lunged at the Dragonkin, the attack aimed to cripple the retreating figure.

A sharp hiss filled the air as the Dragon Claw struck the Dragonkin, ripping a single scale free. The attack, however, failed to inflict a critical blow, allowing the Dragonkin to escape with surprising agility.

The Dark Poison Dragon soared back into the air. Lu Yu saw no point in pursuit. With the orc army vanquished, his objective was accomplished. Further pursuit would be a waste of valuable time.

Gazing down at the scattered remnants of the orcish forces scrambling for escape, Lu Yu dismissed them as insignificant. Engaging such low-level adversaries was hardly a worthwhile use of his strength.

However, the encounter had served another purpose—a potent demonstration of the Dark Poison Dragon’s devastating power.

This colossal beast had proven itself a weapon of unparalleled destruction, capable of annihilating an entire army in a single, swift attack.

With a sense of grim satisfaction, Lu Yu steered the Dark Poison Dragon back through the portal, returning to the secure embrace of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom.

Lu Yu returned to Jasper City, a bustling hub known for its vibrant nightlife.

While the enlargement staff was undoubtedly a powerful treasure, Lu Yu hesitated to give it to other dragons, particularly the Spirit Dragons.

He worried it might disrupt their natural evolution, especially since the Fire and Water Spirit Dragons hadn’t yet regained their complete forms. The potential consequences of a large-scale transformation were too risky without a way to reverse the effect.

After his return, Lu Yu headed straight to the City Lord’s residence to report his success to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan, brimming with gratitude, greeted Lu Yu in his study. “Lu Yu, you’ve saved the day once again! You’re a true hero of the Ten Thousand Dragon Country!”

His voice crackled with excitement, his appreciation evident. Lu Yu’s accomplishments far exceeded his expectations.

Zhao Qingya approached Lu Yu. “Your deeds will be documented for posterity. Your contributions are invaluable. When the time comes, you’ll be eligible to leave your regional duties and join the royal family.”

Lu Yu shrugged indifferently. “The royal family holds no appeal for me. All I desire is to find the person I’m searching for.”

“Then let’s move forward,” Zhao Qingya said with a smile. “Reaching the capital will significantly increase your chances.”

“Let’s depart immediately. I have no more time to waste.”

Lin Yuan interjected hurriedly, “We planned a celebratory party in your honor. Won’t you reconsider?”

Lu Yu shook his head firmly. “No need. I have no interest. Besides, I’ve attended countless banquets; they’re all the same—a tedious waste of time. There’s nothing new to see.” He turned to Zhao Qingya. “Let’s set off for the capital now.”

“Very well. The exclusive Teleportation Gate here grants direct access to the capital.”

“Why here?” Lu Yu asked curiously. “I assumed we’d need to travel through other cities.”

“Because Jasper City is renowned for its entertainment. For members of the royal family, it’s a popular destination for leisure before returning to the capital. Consequently, they built a long-distance teleportation gate here. My authority allows me to activate it.”

“Excellent. Let’s head over and use it then. Direct travel is ideal.”

They bid farewell to Lin Yuan, leaving the peaceful Jasper City to begin its reconstruction.

Together, Lu Yu and Zhao Qingya reached the distinguished portal, a doorway unlike any other.

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