Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 377 - Chapter 377: Undying Lifeform

Chapter 377: Undying Lifeform

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“It finally appeared. What a mysterious fellow.”

Wang Ye’s figure flashed and left.

Ke Yuanqi, who was still shocked by the battle just now, could not calm down for a long time.

“As expected, this is the place.” Wang Ye landed in front of the ancient tree.

It was so huge that one couldn’t see the top. It was filled with powerful life force that seemed to cover the entire King Yaozhu Planet.


He had sensed it the moment he entered King Yaozhu Planet.

This ancient tree was extremely extraordinary. Even though it did not emit any aura, it gave off a tranquil but powerful feeling. Its life force was especially vigorous, but it didn’t have any energy aura.

There were only two possibilities.

Either it was very ordinary or… It was far more powerful than him.


The ancient tree suddenly moved. A formless and powerful fluctuation spread out rapidly with it as the center.

“Why rustle…” Before Wang Ye could finish complaining in his heart, his mind trembled as if he had been sucked into a vortex. In an instant, the world spun, and the surroundings changed drastically.

All cosmic energy disappeared, and what replaced it was… The aura of a powerful creature, as well as endless life force.

Wang Ye looked around in surprise.

He was in a boundless forest, with flowers and trees blooming. Shining shadows played in the forest.

The area covered by the giant tree was full of vitality, making people fantasize endlessly.

Suddenly, a light shadow appeared in front of him, which slowly gathered into a human form.

The other party’s facial features were somewhat similar to Xia Yu’s, but its arms and legs were long, and its body was like stretched plasticine. It was five meters tall, and the ratio of its head to its body was very strange.

Different from the phantom gathered by Wu Yuan, the strange being quickly became colorful. Its body and feet were grayish-brown, and its hands and head were green, just like… A long man wearing a green hat.

“Greetings, Senior.” Wang Ye cupped his hands slightly, his heart full of retorts.

“Do you know who I am?” The green-headed man’s voice was quite amiable.

“If Junior didn’t guess wrong, Senior should be King Yaozhu.” Wang Ye raised his head.

“Yes, you are indeed as smart as master. However…” King Yaozhu nodded in praise.

Wang Ye felt a chill run down his spine as the green eyes swept over him. He felt as if his entire body had turned green.

“This reincarnation is really poor.”

“F*ck you,” Wang Ye cursed in his heart and was shocked.

Although it was just a short sentence, all the doubts were cleared at this moment.

“Senior, you mean… Senior Xia Yu was my previous life?” Wang Ye asked.

“Don’t you know whether that’s true or not?” King Yaozhu said.

He really didn’t. After all, he was a soul transmigrator.

Wang Ye hesitated for a moment before saying, “My situation might be a little special.”

“How special?” King Yaozhu said slowly, “Isn’t it just a body change? What’s so strange about it?”


This time, Wang Ye was truly shocked.

The secret of transmigration, even his first, second, third, fourth, fifth… He lost count of how many girlfriends he had, but none of them knew.

To think this green, no, handsome senior knew!

“Of course, every reincarnation is a new life. The soul and body combine to give birth to a new life, a new beginning,” King Yaozhu explained. “But the essence of the soul will not change. In the words of your Blue Planet, it’s like playing a game. You can delete your account countless times and create a new account, but the person playing the game is still you.”

F*ck. Even his memories had been read?

“But 1 don’t come from the Blue Planet here.” Wang Ye wanted to clarify.

Since his secrets were all known, he might as well get to the bottom of it.

“The Blue Planet is the Blue Planet. Why is it divided here and there?” King Yaozhu said, “The Blue Planet is a little special. It contains powerful time energy. The passage of time will naturally split and overlap, resulting in countless parallel worlds.”

Wang Ye was a little dazed. “The Blue Planet is… special?”

King Yaozhu looked over. “Although it’s only a four-star life planet, it’s a special planet. Don’t you think your time talent is better than others?”

Wang Ye was speechless.

So that was how his time talent came about?

Yao seemed to also be walking the path of the physical body and time…

“A special planet of the time attribute has the ability to create parallel worlds. Other than the ability to produce lifeforms that have superior talent in time, it often leads to the creation of multiple souls due to the overlapping of parallel worlds,” King Yaozhu said.

Wang Ye’s heart skipped a beat.

Xue and Lingling!

“Therefore, the humans on the Blue Planet have awakened more talent than bloodlines. Some humans can even awaken two talents,” King Yaozhu continued.

Stop! If the other party continued, he couldn’t even afford the Blue Planet…

“Senior, how do you know so much?” Wang Ye really wanted to know.

“I learned it when I cast the Mirage. Do you think I can read minds?” King Yaozhu looked at Wang Ye.

No wonder women always appeared in the illusion!

So it wasn’t me, the gentleman, who had a good shot. It was you, the old tree, who had blossomed!

Realization dawned on Wang Ye. “So the four totem poles are all controlled by you, Senior?”

“What else? The four beast totem poles are just indestructible artifacts. They’re not innate supreme treasures with intelligence. Why would they attack you?” King Yaozhu said.

What a good use of “just”…

They were even more powerful than the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor.

“Senior, what is your relationship with Senior Xia Yu?” Wang Ye asked.

“He is my master.” King Yaozhu didn’t mind, “I am the divine tree of life, a member of the divine tree race. I used to be the support of my master’s internal world. I didn’t expect to grow so fast and become an Undying Lifeform before master broke through.”

An Undying Lifeform!

To think this green old tree was an Undying Lifeform!

Wang Ye didn’t expect that the first Undying Lifeform he met would be this ancient tree.

“Master had no choice but to move me out of his internal world.” King Yaozhu sighed. “Without my support, the internal world was no longer stable. Master probably reincarnation failed because of this.”

Xia Yu failed to break through the reincarnation!

Wang Ye now knew that Xia Yu was not the previous host, but his previous life.

He didn’t expect that such a talented and handsome super genius of the cosmic would fail to pass the reincarnation!

“Is the probability of success so low?” Wang Ye muttered.

Xia Yu’s strength could be said to be almost invincible among the Black Hole-level experts of the same level.

“It’s not that the success rate of reincarnation is low, but that Master has chosen the most difficult path. Not only did he choose the best super black hole,” said King Yaozhu. “He even intentionally triggered its initial state to release the strongest energy. In addition, Master was cultivating the fifteenth path of reincarnation, which is the combination of four paths. The difficulty is already the highest. In Master’s previous lives, he had already transcended reincarnation four times. The difficulty of reincarnation had thus increased to an extremely high level. Therefore, due to all sorts of reasons, he failed in the end.”

A madman…

This was Wang Ye’s evaluation of Xia Yu.

So the explosion of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way was orchestrated by him?

Just to make the super black hole appear in its most primitive and powerful form, he was so crazy…

He now had reason to suspect that the supreme treasure in the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way five thousand years ago that caused a group of experts to fight for was probably the bait thrown by Xia Yu.

Just to pursue extreme strength, that guy would do anything.

Was it not enough to make a small breakthrough to become an Undying-level expert?

If it were him, he wouldn’t be so stupid.

Wait a minute.

“Transcended four reincarnations?” Wang Ye was stunned.

In other words, four of his previous lives had already transcended reincarnation!

“After the soul transcends reincarnation and enters the high-dimensional cosmic, isn’t it impossible to return to the low-dimensional cosmic?” Wang Ye stared at King Yaozhu.

“That’s right.” King Yaozhu nodded.


“It’s useless even if you ask me. I’m just a small tree, how would 1 know so much?” King Yaozhu said.

Wang Ye was deep in thought.

In his remaining soul memory, Xia Yu’s character was not so crazy. He was more like an unrestrained ranger, who loved adventure and yearned for freedom. Just like him.

Normally, he would not create such a huge commotion to challenge himself to the limit. This was especially so when the divine tree of life no longer existed to support his internal world.

There might be another reason that Xia Yu had no choice but to push his limits.

“It might be related to the previous reincarnation.” Wang Ye shivered.

Obviously, Xia Yu knew more than him.

However, the other party did not enter the high-dimensional cosmic.

Therefore, the secrets that he knew, he would know sooner or later.

It was very likely that it was hidden in jade carving light ball No.6.

“As my life level increases, the more I fuse with the jade carving light ball, the more soul memory fragments will appear.” Wang Ye wasn’t worried. He would know what he needed to know sooner or later.

In a crisis, danger and opportunities come hand in hand. There were two sides to it.

Just like Xia Yu, if he could pass the last reincarnation, he would have unlimited achievements.

It was just a failure.

“Did my previous life leave anything for me?” Wang Ye asked.

King Yaozhu shook his head, “He doesn’t want you to have too much connection with him. He hopes that you can walk your own path.”

“What about the four beast totem pillars?” Wang Ye asked suspiciously.

“I obtained them from a dead Black Hole-level demon king. It has nothing to do with Master,” said King Yaozhu.

“Oh?” Realization dawned on Wang Ye. “Aren’t there the components of a supreme treasure?”

“Those were left behind by Master. I can’t take them. It will arouse suspicion. You can go and get them yourself,” King Yaozhu said.

Wang Ye nodded.

He couldn’t gain anything from Xia Yu.

Wang Ye sized up King Yaozhu and revealed a kind smile.

“Don’t look at me. I’m just a tree. What can I give you?” King Yaozhu gave off an “I am poor” feeling.

“Do you have any fruits?” Wang Ye asked.

“I am the divine tree of life. I don’t bear fruit.” King Yaozhu chuckled.

“You can’t even bear fruit, yet you still have the nerve to call yourself a divine tree,” Wang Ye said.

King Yaozhu was speechless.

“Do you have a small tree?” Wang Ye said.

King Yaozhu was speechless.

“Forget it. Give me a thicker branch. I’ll go back and plant it myself,” Wang Ye said. “Scratch that. Give me a hundred. I’m afraid I won’t be able to grow them.”

King Yaozhu. “…Just the branches alone are useless without my life seed.”

“Then give them to me,” Wang Ye said.

King Yaozhu:”….”

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