Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 374 - Chapter 374: Yaozhu Planet

Chapter 374: Yaozhu Planet

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yaozhu Planet.

An ancient tree reached straight into the sky, containing boundless life energy.

“A familiar aura. He is finally here. In the blink of an eye, five thousand years have passed…”

The swaying ancient tree was rooted on the ground of Yaozhu Planet.

It lit up with dazzling light like a candle. Layers of light and shadow appeared in the void, echoing.


Then, everything returned to normal.



Wang Ye hovered in the air and looked down.

Outside Yaozhu Planet, he could vaguely feel a powerful intent observing him.

However, after entering Yaozhu Planet, it disappeared. It was like an illusion.

“1, 2, 3, 4…”Wang Ye’s consciousness spread.

Very quickly, he noticed four powerful energies that stood out from the rest, and they were in the four corners of Yaozhu Planet.

They were like guardians, protecting this eight-star life planet.

He did not sense any other powerful existences, except for… A tree. An ancient tree with immense energy. It shot straight into the sky like the backbone of Yaozhu Planet, emitting boundless life force.

The location of the ancient tree was very strange. It was right in the middle of Yaozhu Planet.

It and the four totem beasts seemed to form a formation, neatly arranged.

“Where is King Yaozhu?” Wang Ye was very curious.

Did the other party have a special ability or a treasure that could conceal its aura? Or was it not a Black Hole level existence, but a Super Star level?

There was no time to think too much.


The surroundings were already filled with a mass of darkness.

Countless demon race experts rushed out from all directions and attacked him.

There were great demons with white realm ability, demon commanders of various appearances, and even extremely huge demonic beasts that surged over!

There were quite a few Super Star-level beings, but they were only natives.

A Super Star-level demon without an inheritance wasn’t even as strong as a Dark Energy-level expert in the military camp.

Instant kill!

Wang Ye gripped his double sabers.

The Time Oblivion Tooth Blade revealed its power for the first time.

Stage 4 dark power activated the saw-toothed mystical engravings, revealing the image of the cosmic beast, the Oblivion Tooth Dog.

The bloodthirsty serrated teeth were extremely effective in breaking through defenses, comparable to the white origin of thunder. Even the armor worn by Super Star-level great demons was instantly shattered.

A Super Star-level great demon with an unusually strong physical body roared as it clashed head-on with Wang Ye.


The weapon in the demon’s hand shattered. The Oblivion Tooth Dragon bit through its armor and flesh, and tearing pain hit it. Terrifying dark power corroded it, and it was as if it had been bitten by an ancient beast, completely unable to resist.


Blood splattered everywhere.

In an instant, it was torn into pieces.

[Killed Super Star level 4 great demon.]

[Potential Points: 114.3 million -> 138.3 million]

Light flashed in front of Wang Ye’s eyes.

Above him, a huge black-winged bird that covered the sky swooped down. Its speed did not match its powerful demonic beast body. It even sent some Dark Energy-level demon commanders flying!

However, at this moment, several white spots of light shot at it like hidden weapons.


Before the black-winged strange bird could react, it had already been shot. Its huge body was like a live target, unable to dodge. It didn’t have any equipment on it either. It couldn’t stop the Whitewheel Origin with just its fur and bloodline strength.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In an instant, several pearls of the white origin of thunder exploded in the black-winged bird’s body. Terrifying white lightning instantly spread like a raging fire, tearing the giant black-winged strange bird into pieces as if it had never appeared.

[Killed level 6 supreme demonic beast.]

[Potential Points: 138.3 million —> 186.3 million]


Wang Ye unleashed the Space-lock Battle Domain. Powerful energy fluctuated violently and swept across the area.

The group of Super Star-level and Dark Energy-level demon race experts were all enveloped within.

Spatial Synchronization!

He did not consume too much of the battle domain’s energy.

Wang Ye was like the king of this world just by relying on his realm and the effects of his battle domain. He raised his hand and slashed, slaughtering the demon race experts one by one.

[Killed Super Star level 8 great demon.]

[Potential Points: 196,950,000 -> 276,950,000]

[Killed Super Star level 9 great demon.]

[Potential Points: 291,250,000 390,250,000]

[Killed Super Star level 7 great demon.]

[Potential Points: 448.2 million -> 511.2 million]

Wang Ye went berserk and his potential points increased visibly.

500 million, 600 million, 700 million!

He continued to climb to the peak.

An endless stream of Super Star-level attacks came. It seemed that they wanted to use their advantage in numbers to exhaust Wang Ye.

Unfortunately, Wang Ye, who had experienced countless battles, was too used to this kind of group battle. He used every bit of his combat prowess to the extreme!

He kept consuming it, again and again, until all his dark energy, ability, and even the white origin of thunder was exhausted.


Wang Ye exploded.

The remaining demon-race experts welcomed the light. Their faces were filled with joy as they celebrated.

But in the next instant, the terrifying strength swept out again.

The terrifying Cosmic Lifeform appeared once more!

Talent, Immortality!

“Heh, it’s too early to be happy.” The weapons in Wang Ye’s hands lit up again.


Blood rained on Yaozhu Planet. The demon race that ruled this land was facing an unprecedented catastrophe.

A starship from another galaxy had destroyed the defense system that they were so proud of. The two Cosmic Lifeforms that descended from the sky used unparalleled strength to kill their great demons, supreme demonic beasts, and… Totem descendants.

“A descendant of the mirage totem.” After wiping out all the demon race experts in the Space-lock Battle Domain, Wang Ye looked into the distance.

The other party’s huge body was like a mountain, and its body was as soft as a white silkworm. There were many eyes on its white skin. As the eyes blinked, its strange bloodline power was released.


Sounds stirred in his ears, and his vision blurred. His psyche shook, the trembling going straight into the star core.

The powerful cosmic beast bloodline erupted!

But in the next moment, the mirage totem descendant let out a miserable cry as it was severely injured.

Wang Ye’s eyes were bright and his consciousness was strong.

“It’s just a bloodline-type illusion and the Soul Tremble Spell. Without the addition of willpower, it’s just too weak.”

Wang Ye held his dual sabers and appeared in front of the mirage totem descendant’s huge body.

Faced with its high-pitched sharp voice, he used the Thunder Fusion Technique. The image of the Kui cattle appeared, and the saber intent pierced through the enemy.

He cleanly tore apart the mirage totem descendant’s soft body, and white liquid flowed out.

The life force of the mirage totem descendant decreased abruptly.

Peng! It fell with a loud bang.

[Killed level 8 supreme demonic beast.]

[Potential Points: 923.8 million —> 100.3 million.]

His potential points exceeded 1 billion!

Wang Ye was calm about it.

“Compared to the totem descendants, the combat prowess of the other demon race experts is so weak it’s like they’ve fallen off a cliff.” After this battle, Wang Ye more or less understood.

On Yaozhu Planet, regardless of whether it was a Super Star-level great demon or a supreme demonic beast, their combat prowess was no different from the demon race of the aboriginal planets.

At most, their life force would be stronger, and their foundation and talent would be better.

Without a demon race inheritance and systematic cultivation, their combat prowess was ordinary with only five thousand years of accumulation on Yaozhu Planet.

Only the totem descendants were different. Their combat prowess and bloodline were extremely powerful, comparable to the experts in the military camp!

“This is very strange.” Wang Ye was deep in thought.

The supreme demonic beasts were also living beings of Yaozhu Planet. In comparison, both inherited the bloodlines of cosmic beasts, and they were all at the Super Star level, so why were the totem descendants stronger?

There was another problem.

A totem descendant was already this strong.

The four great totem beasts of Yaozhu Planet must have stimulated their respective cosmic beast bloodlines even more!

How strong would a Black Hole-level demi-beast be?

Could the current him kill a totem beast?

There was no time to think about it.

Wang Ye frowned slightly.

Not far away, Ke Yuanqi’s aura was weakening.


Wang Ye quickly rushed over.

Two mallets were no match for many beasts!

Ke Yuanqi, who was surrounded, was covered in blood. She didn’t have the talent of Immortality like Wang Ye.

Her combat prowess dropped drastically after her bloodline burst ended.

She could resist the siege of a group of Super Star-level great demons but with the arrival of a totem descendant… She was in great danger.

Lightwheel totem descendant!

Its body was shimmering with light, and white halos of light wrapped around its body. It was as if it was carrying hundreds of halos of different sizes. It had the body of a horse and the head of a human. It was like a centaur that walked in the air.

Time changed, suddenly fast and suddenly slow.

Ke Yuanqi’s attacks were all controlled by the totem descendant.

The combination of stage 4 dark power and the Super Star-level mallet technique could protect her, but her strength was constantly being consumed.

In particular, the Super Star-level great demons were countless, displaying their power with demonic energy and demonic power.

There were many different bloodlines and talents, making it difficult for Ke Yuanqi to take care of everything.

She didn’t expect herself, the captain of the Silver Warband… Well, former captain, would actually be defeated by a mere supreme demonic beast on an eight-star life planet!

Rationally, Ke Yuanqi knew that she should escape now.

But personality-wise, she didn’t want to run away and become a laughingstock even if it would kill her!

Especially now that Wang Ye was also fighting. She definitely didn’t want to lose face in front of Wang Ye!



Ke Yuanqi was bombarded again. She spat out blood and was severely injured.

The lightwheel totem descendant’s attack landed heavily on her body.

Even though she had the armor to deflect the force, the totem descendant’s powerful physical attack still caused her bones to break and she fell backward like a kite with a broken string.

It was over! She wouldn’t die in such a place, would she?

As this thought appeared in her mind, her body was suddenly lifted by a soft strength.

Ke Yuanqi was stunned. She raised her head and looked at the handsome figure who caught her.

For a moment, her heart trembled, and all kinds of emotions were mixed.

When she finally mustered up the courage to thank him, Wang Ye threw her backward like throwing away a piece of trash.

Ke Yuanqi was speechless.


Her body shook and she stopped in mid-air. Her pupils instantly constricted as she looked straight ahead.

At this moment, Wang Ye had taken over her original position and was facing off against the lightwheel totem descendant as well as the countless Super Star-level great demons.

The only difference was that the situation had changed drastically!

The lightwheel totem descendant had caused her countless troubles and was difficult to deal with. But against Wang Ye, it was as if the other party didn’t know how to fight. It couldn’t use the power of its Time Control bloodline!

Its advance and retreat were completely under Wang Ye’s control. It was only left with the ability to parry.

The light halos on its body were covered by the white origin of thunder and exploded.

The lightwheel totem descendant howled in agony. In just an instant, it was struck to the ground, and even the light halos on it were shattered.

Peng! It died tragically on the spot.

The group of Super Star-level great demons were killed easily, and they were no match for Wang Ye.

Looking at this one-sided massacre, Ke Yuanqi was stunned. Her heart was beating fast.

Wang Ye…. Wasn’t he too strong?!

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