Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 355 - Chapter 355: You Will Die One Day Too!

Chapter 355: You Will Die One Day Too!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Wang Ye finally experienced the Silver Warband’s swift and decisive actions.

They had just finished the assessment, and before they could even eat a mouthful of hot meal, they were already summoned to the battlefield.

According to Lan Jian, if it weren’t for waiting for him and Yan Sanqi, they would have set out for the mission early.

“Here’s your team emblem.” Ke Yuanqi tossed the emblem to him.

Wang Ye reached out and caught it.

The emblem bore the symbol of the Azure Mountain Cosmic Nation, which was present on Xiaoyu and Lan Jian’s battle suits as well.

It integrated a unified insignia and contained a chip specially crafted for human virtual cosmic experiences.

Wang Ye activated the Azure Mountain Squad emblem, completed the identity verification, and integrated it into his battle suit, showcasing the Azure Mountain symbol on his chest.

Through mental connection, a screen about the size of a mobile phone materialized before him.

It displayed features such as a mini-radar, communication location, mission details, and the entrance to a small virtual world.

Ready to practice, execute missions, and fight at any time.

“Silver Warband, Azure Mountain Squad.”

“Ensign, Wang Ye.”

“Battle Credit: 127,578.”

“Current Mission: Battle Devils, Protect the Road.”

“Mission Location: Kuigu Galaxy.”

“Battle Credit Reward: 0.”

Wang Ye raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Two missions at once?

Milky Way Ace Team had clear divisions, making mission details concise.

The war devil and war demon missions were the Silver Warband’s two main tasks.

In essence, these were battles against the vanguards of the devil and demon races.

As for the road protection mission, it involved safeguarding the Silver Road Team.

Both were standard missions.


What did it mean to take them on simultaneously?

“How’s that? My reaction time is fast, isn’t it?” Ke Yuanqi proudly crossed her arms.

Was this really about reaction time? Wang Ye was lost for words.

Failure to complete a mission would result in a deduction of battle credits!

However, as a new member, it was better for him not to offer any advice.

“Captain, your two missions’ conflict,” Lan Jian, the more experienced one, said helplessly.

“No conflict at all.” Ke Yuanqi dismissed it. “They happen to be in the same location, so it’s on the way.”

What did it matter if it was on the way or not… Lan Jian thought and said, “For the war devil mission, we actively search for the devil race’s location and initiate combat. However, for the road protection mission, we must follow the Silver Road Team’s movements and protect them.”

“I know.” Ke Yuanqi rolled her eyes. “Do you think I’m a fool, Lan Jian?”

“You, me, and Xiaoyu. The three of us will handle the war devil mission. Wouldn’t it be fine for the two rookies to undertake the road protection mission?” Ke Yuanqi pointed at Lan Jian with her short, slender finger.



“D*mn you perfect.” Wang Ye murmured to himself.

Who would let two rookies undertake a mission by themselves right from the start?

He had never seen a captain so nonchalant!

“What if Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi encounter devil powerhouses?” Yu Yuyu asked.

“Fight.” Ke Yuanqi asserted.

“What if they can’t beat them?” Yu Yuyu inquired.

“Then they’re not up to the task.” Ke Yuanqi declared.

Wang Ye was speechless.

“Now I finally understand how the two previous team members met their end.” Wang Ye thought

“The Silver Warband isn’t a place for recruits to cower. Since you’ve joined, be prepared for battle,” Ke Yuanqi emphasized. “You must grow amidst bloodshed. As members of the Azure Mountain Squad, you should be capable of holding your own!”

What she said made sense…

Yu Yuyu and Lan Jian exchanged a bitter smile.

The captain completely played by her own rules.

Normally, it would be better to undertake the war devil mission together.

It would increase the mission completion rate and allow the new members to familiarize themselves with the rhythm.

But right from the start, she had the two rookies undertake their missions independently.

If they were lucky and didn’t encounter any devil powerhouses while protecting the Silver Road Team, their battle credits wouldn’t be high, and the rookies wouldn’t gain much experience.

If they were unlucky and faced a devil powerhouse, the two rookies they had waited so long for would probably be in dire straits.

Not only would the mission fail, but the team would also lose two potential rookies…

Was this holding your own?

This was self-destruction!

After a briefing on the task, Ke Yuanqi proceeded to cultivate, leaving the four team members staring in bewilderment.

Without any directives or discussions, she conveyed a clear message through actions.

“Figure it out yourselves.”

Wang Ye witnessed a captain lazier than himself for the first time. At least he would allocate tasks, have Ju Bairuo plan routes, keep records, and upload tasks.

Oh, where was Ju Bairuo?

He had forgotten.

Had he joined the Silver Road Team?

Wang Ye immediately contacted Ju Bairuo.

The call connected swiftly, and a video projection illuminated Wang Ye’s eyes.

Ju Bairuo had donned a new set of battle attire, bearing the same Azure Mountain Squad emblem on the chest, albeit in a different shape.

His emblem resembled a diagonal quadrilateral, depicting a road and symbolizing the Silver Road Team. In contrast, Wang Ye’s emblem was shield-shaped, representing the Silver Warband.

“Congratulations.” Wang Ye grinned.

“You too,” Ju Bairuo responded with an elegant smile.

“Are you already on the starship?” Wang Ye questioned in surprise.

“Yes, the Silver Road Team maintains a brisk pace, leaving little spare time,” Ju Bairuo replied. “After coordinating with the captain, we are currently on the way to the Kuigu Galaxy to rendezvous with the Silver Road Team and the Azure Mountain Squad.”

“What a coincidence, we are heading to the same location,” Wang Ye chuckled.

“The Silver Road Team is presently exploring seven galaxies. However, only the Kuigu Galaxy and the Yi Yunhe Galaxy are speculated to have natural wormholes. Among them, the Kuigu Galaxy has devil activity, requiring the assistance of the Silver Warband. Hence, it’s not a coincidence,” Ju Bairuo explained.

“Looks like you’ve done the research.” Wang Ye praised.

“How can a newcomer not do research? I’m not as naturally gifted as you, so I have to work harder.” Ju Bairuo acknowledged.

“I’m no longer the captain, flattering won’t work,” Wang Ye said.

“That’s the truth. I didn’t contact you because I knew with your strength, you would easily pass the Silver Warband assessment. By the way, has Sanqi gone back?”

“Back where?” Wang Ye queried.

“To the Xu Wolf Guards. With her strength, participating in the Silver Warband assessment is too demanding. I’ve advised her numerous times, but she doesn’t listen and insists on going her way,” Ju Bairuo explained.

”1 think so too. She’s too stubborn,” Wang Ye agreed.

“More than stubborn, she’s practically an ox! Doesn’t listen to anything, doesn’t care about cleanliness, and the room is a mess with things thrown everywhere. After a battle, she doesn’t shower, and even after showering, she doesn’t like wearing shoes, leaving watermarks on the floor every time…”

“Ah, I didn’t know she had that side to her.” Wang Ye suppressed a laugh, glancing at Yan Sanqi, who was talking to Xiaoyu. Her forehead veins were protruding as she suppressed her anger.

“Of course, you wouldn’t know. Yan Sanqi has a crush on you, so she’s a bit conscious of her image in front of you. But in front of me, she…”

The voice abruptly ceased, and Ju Bairuo wore a puzzled expression, mouth wide open.

In Wang Ye’s video, a familiar face appeared.

Yan Sanqi’s eyebrows furrowed, teeth clenched, and the anger in her eyes seemed capable of causing harm. “Speak! Continue! How am I in front of you?”

The video froze.

Half a second later, the scene abruptly cut off.

Wang Ye was laughing so hard that his stomach ached.

In his wildest dreams, Wang Ye never imagined that Yan Sanqi would pass the

Silver Warband assessment and become a member of the Azure Mountain Squad.

“This jerk!” Yan Sanqi fumed, stomping his foot and gritting her teeth. “Talking behind people’s backs, what kind of man is he!”

“Exactly, exactly.” Wang Ye nodded.

“Humph!” Yan Sanqi declared with anger. “If we meet again, I’ll give him a good lesson!”


Wang Ye’s eyes brightened.

This seemed plausible.

Ju Bairuo was from the Silver Road Team’s Azure Mountain Squad, and he and Sanqi were precisely tasked with road protection.

Being part of the same cosmic nation team meant the highest compatibility.

They would meet soon.

Wang Ye couldn’t help but smile when he thought about the tearful reunion between Ju Bairuo and Yan Sanqi.

This was going to be a great spectacle!

“By the way, he was just talking nonsense!” Yan Sanqi turned her head and addressed Wang Ye. “Don’t listen to him. Got it?”

Wang Ye looked at Yan Sanqi, saying nothing, just smiling.

At this moment, denial was not an option, and neither was acknowledgment.

This was the best course of action.

A minor disturbance passed.

The mission continued.

Lan Jian and Yu Yuyu tutored Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi respectively, explaining the details of the mission and the things to pay attention to when carrying out the mission.

As veteran members, they had already carried out the common task of guarding the road several times and were very experienced.

This was a task that was divided into two extremes.

It was very easy to not encounter any enemies, but he would not be able to earn any battle credits.

Unless the Silver Road Team had exceptionally good luck and made a major discovery, the team wouldn’t get a significant share of battle credits. Devil race missions were far more rewarding unless they encountered a remarkable stroke of luck.

When facing enemies, it depended on the type of enemy encountered. If devil race members were responsible for scouting, it was considered the best outcome, as their strength couldn’t match true demon elite forces.

“With only two of you, even if you happen to encounter a devil race scouting team, I recommend prioritizing the protection of the Silver Road Team, with attacks playing a secondary role,” Lan Jian advised. “Let’s not even mention whether there are demon elite powerhouses within the devil race scouting team.”

“Even if it’s an ordinary scouting team, focusing on attacks can lead to substantial deductions in battle credits if any Silver Road Team members are lost. This deduction would far surpass the gains from killing devil race experts.”

Wang Ye grasped the dynamics of the situation.

The primary focus of the road protection mission was, indeed, on protection.

“Sanqi, you need to be cautious. Don’t act impulsively. Stick close to Wang Ye,” Yu Yuyu advised. “Given your current strength, don’t consider yourself a member of the Silver Warband. Instead, think of yourself as part of the Silver Road Team. Accumulating experience should be your main focus for now. There will be plenty of opportunities for combat in the future.”

“Got it, Sister Yu,” Yan Sanqi replied, feeling a bit embarrassed.

The communication flowed smoothly.

Even though the captain was irresponsible, the two experienced seniors greatly benefited Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi.

The Azure Mountain starship was swift, a top-rank starship rapidly consuming energy. After three cosmic days, they would enter the Kuigu Galaxy.

As the captain, Ke Yuanqi was well-prepared. The probability of encountering devil race vanguard units was high in this area.

For the road protection mission, their first task was to rendezvous with the Silver Road Team. But before that, the war devil mission was already underway.

“Beep, beep, beep…”

The supernet radar in the military camp detected the presence of devil race troops.

“Get ready to fight!” Ke Yuanqi exclaimed with enthusiasm..

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