Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1837

“Chapter 1837: 376: average, number three and two in the world”

Translator: 549690339

“Therefore, this person was definitely Qiu Di. ”


“Thinking of this, Wu Han dispelled the doubts in his heart and continued, “Eldest miss, please rest assured that Wu Han will never betray you, no matter when or where! If he disobeys, Wu Han is willing to accept any punishment.” ”

Qiu Di was very satisfied with Wu Han’s performance. So what if ye Zhuo and ye Han had a deep sibling relationship in the past?

Didn’t Wu Han obediently serve her now and become her lapdog?


Ye Zhuo wanted to fight with her.

He was still too inexperienced.

“Qiu Di curled the corners of her lips and continued, “Where’s the information on the star-crossing case?” ”

“Here.”Wu Han handed over the information on the star-crossing case with both hands.

Qiu Di reached out and took it.

“The information on the star-crossing case was an extremely important piece of information in changyue. It recorded the history of Changyue’s development and all sorts of important secrets. It was like the lifeline of changyue. If Qiu Di wanted to successfully sit in that position.., she had to completely grasp the information on the star-crossing case! ”

“Before this, the information on the star-crossing case had been kept by ye Zao. Ever since ye Zao left, the star-crossing case had been kept by the eight great clans. ”

“Now that she finally had the information on the star-crossing case in her hands, Qiu Di curled her lips in satisfaction. ”

“She had thought that the eight great clans were very powerful, but it turned out that they were only so-so. ”

“”Alright, you can go out first.”Qiu Di looked at Wu Han and said. ”

“Yes.”Wu Han slightly bent his back and turned to leave.

The sky outside had changed at some point.

Dark clouds were forming.

The hurricane carried corrosive acid rain.

“Wu Han stood outside the house without a frown. He had no regrets in the wind and rain, and he looked like a sculpture that did not feel pain. ”

The passers-by were all discussing and commenting.

It was because Wu Han’s performance was too strange.

“He was obviously full of talent, but he was willing to lower his status and become autumn flute’s bodyguard. Most importantly, it was still raining acid outside, and Wu Han was just standing there. ”

“Not to mention that Wu Han was a talented person, even a normal bodyguard would find it hard to accept such a thing! ”

“However, Wu Han did not complain at all. ”

“Captain Wu.”Qian Xun walked over and held up an umbrella above Wu Han’s head.

“”I don’t need it,”Wu Han said. ”

“Qian Xun’s expression did not change. She only smiled and said, “Captain Wu, if you don’t want to think about yourself, you should also think about the eldest miss. The eldest miss’s safety will be in your hands. If anything happens to you, what will happen to the eldest miss?” ”

“Wu Han’s expression changed when he heard this. He fixed the umbrella and said to Qian Xun expressionlessly, “Thank you.” ”

“Although it was just a simple word, Qian Xun was stunned. ”

This was the first time she had heard Wu Han say thank you.

“”You’re welcome,”Qian Xun said. ”

“After saying this, Qian Xun turned around and left. ”

“”Qian Xun, over here.”A young woman immediately waved at Qian Xun. ”

Qian Xun jogged over.

“”Xiao Zhao,”Qian Xun said. ”

Yu Zhao glanced at Wu Han. “Why are you talking to him?”

“Qian xun smiled and said, “Xiao Zhao, you seem to have a lot of opinions about Captain Wu.” ”

“Every time Yu Zhao saw Wu Han, he would always act like he did not care. The disgust in his eyes could not be hidden. ”

“”I simply don’t like him,”Yu Zhao said. ”

“Qian Xun nodded and said with a smile, “But there is no love without a reason in this world, nor is there hatred without a reason. is Captain Wu your ex-boyfriend?” ”

“What are you talking about!”Yu Zhao rolled his eyes at Qian Xun. “Why don’t you just disgust me to Death?”How could she have a traitor ex-boyfriend like Wu Han!

“Qian xun smiled and said, “It was just a joke. Don’t overreact. By the way, why do you hate Captain Wu so much?” ”

“”Because Miss Ye is my savior,”Yu Zhao said. ”

“Qian Xun asked in confusion, “What does this have to do with Miss Ye?” ”

“”Captain Wu looks a lot like ye Han,”Yu Zhao continued. ”

“Really?”Qian Xun was very surprised.

“Qian Xun had never seen ye Han in person, but she had heard of Ye Han. ”

Ye Han was the only relative of ye Zhuo in this world.

Yu Zhao nodded.

“A lot of times, she even thought that Wu Han was ye Han. ”

Because they were too alike!

Ye Zao saved her.

“She could not stand the people who once called ye Zao Brother and sister. In just a few short months, she had thrown ye Zao to the back of her mind, and in the blink of an eye, she was working for someone else! ”

“Most importantly, Qiu di did not treat ye Han as a human! ”

“In Qiu Di’s eyes, Ye Han was not even as good as a dog. ”

But Ye Han had no regrets.

Wasn’t he being cheap?

“Thousand Kaoru continued: “Maybe it just looks like it? Xiao Zhao, don’t think so much.” ”

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